Unfinished Business Fic Meme

Jul 14, 2013 02:37

I am the kind of person who always has a ton of unfinished fic projects. Some are fairly new, some -- not so much. Every once in a while I go through my fic folder, and try to finish some WIPs that got abandoned somewhere on the way. Now seems to be the time to do this again, but I have tons of trouble mustering up any fandom motivation. I thought ( Read more... )


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lynzie914 July 16 2013, 03:44:12 UTC
I'm kind of in love with that icon.

That's actually a really great idea. I'm a really wordy writer, so I might be trying to fill too many plot points, instead of just remembering that people already know this stuff. I mean I'm changing a lot of stuff, becuase when different characters take different roles, they change the whole thing just by nature of being themselves, but it still has the basic bones of the plot of TVD (Elena comes back for Stefan, Caroline comes back for Caden, and it all goes to hell from there.) And I was wondering if one shots for select things would work. I finally confirmed Bonnie as an Original and worked out basic backstories/descriptions for the rest of them, but everything I have actually plotted, vauge as some of it is, is set during the first season and backstory. So maybe I have to think of it more that way. Because you're totally right, there are certain scenes I really do want to delve into more than others.

Also, I hadn't thought ahead about the Mikaelson ball, but now you have me all curious about the characters in their new roles there.

It totally helped! Thank you! And I actually really love and appriciate that (and you thinking its a lovely idea :D), do you mind if I friend you?


kwritten July 28 2013, 06:53:00 UTC
/ugh RL is terribly rude, I'm so sorry.

I'm glad my rambly thoughts helped a bit!

And yes! Please friend me! Sorry for the late response! It is such a lovely idea! Please feel free to scream any ideas/writer-woes at me, kk?


lynzie914 July 29 2013, 04:09:03 UTC
RL is terribly rude, but don't worry about it at all.

They really did! I've been working on the story off and on and getting really excited about aspect of it. And its still kind of a jumbled mess, but I'm working on it and figuring out on which parts I really want to focus on. (Also Elena-Caroline backstory is always very distracting.)

Yay! I'm off to friend you now and you should probably be expecting me to bother you with story ideas/problems at some point. :D


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