Old news: lj is dead. Everyone is crazy busy, or they have other reasons not to be here. No one has time to read those huge meta posts we used to write once upon a time. But maybe we can all find ten minutes to do this:
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Though I suppose the Battlestar Galactica reboot did this as well, changing Starbuck and Boomer to women, and I don't think the fandom was anywhere near as interested in genderswap stuff.
ETA: I think we'll see more of this, as we try to find ways to retell older stories and make them palatable for modern audiences. I think for a long time, and even still to a surprisingly large degree, it was assumed that a default character was male, and that no character would be female unless there was some specific reason for it. Approaching gender equity in casting is a long, slow process, and we're just getting started on it.
nifty thoughts, this discussion is SOOOO shiny!! and this icon, in honour of the subject under discussion -- not my making, but I adore it!
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