Title: Then I Set Fire to Our Bed
wooblooPrompt: Damon/Elena, Then I set fire to our bed
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: non-graphic violence, multiple allusions to trauma and torture, general creepiness, sexual situations
Spoilers: 4x21 promos
Characters/Pairings: Elena/Damon
Wordcount: 1000
Summary: Elena wakes up on fire.
A/N: First of all
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Playing with fire, for reals. Banging while the house burns down around them, because Elena just wants everything to burn. Rude. Fire, which has become even more dangerous to her, which is all about destruction, is what attracts her most now.
And this image is just gorgeous: Elena likes it, relaxes in the warmth like a cat, slowly stretches her arms and legs. Sometimes when she does this, she dreams the fire jumps all the way to the couch and envelops her whole, the way it did with Jeremy, nice and slow, such a moment of clarity
It doesn't bother her when he says “I love you,” not anymore; this is the truth, after all, and only now does she know exactly what it means.
She knows exactly what it means ;______________;
(And coming after (They love her, she remembers. That's the problem.)? OUCH.)
rips his shirt off him and throws it blindly, hoping it'd reach the fire. When Damon tries to catch it
Lol for some reason, the image of Damon reaching after his shirt is hilarious.
They settle down together, rough around the edges, and for a second Elena thinks this should give her something, an ending, a sense of closure. She believes, out of habit, that one day there will be a happily ever after for her, a reward for her silence and perseverance, something happy, and bright, and warm.
She knows exactly what it means ;______________;
Yes, now she knows what loves is. Too bad she learned from the Salvatores :(.
Lol for some reason, the image of Damon reaching after his shirt is hilarious.
That would be because it is somewhat hilarious XD.
Thank you for reading and commenting <33333333333
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