Watch me be positive!

Apr 09, 2013 07:07

Hey, remember when this was a fandom journal where fandom things were happening all the time? Yeah, let's do that again. I'm done being too freaked out to participate in my own fandom. So let's have a nice, easy way back in:

Ask me a fandom-related question in the comments. It can be fandom-specific, general, lj stuff/fic around. Questions can be ( Read more... )

mad men, meme

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youcallitwinter April 11 2013, 16:30:15 UTC

unf, I loved them in it too so much. Honestly, I love that Veronica and Logan have the same kind of idea of justice. They're not right in the way they deal with things; more often than not, they're wrong, but they function in that wrongness, and I loved that the episode went there and dealt with that. Just the distinction between Piz making Veronica walk away and then Logan coming in and beating the shit out of Gory. Obviously Piz is "good" for Veronica, and his method is the mature, sensible reaction, but tbh that's not who Veronica is. She doesn't "walk away", she had her taser out and ready and would have gone after the guy herself. Sure there's always a lot of talk about Logan's "bad boy" behavior and trying to fix him etc., but I LOVE that the show so often showcases that both Logan and Veronica are hard to love. That Veronica, with her missions and her need for revenge and putting herself in danger and emotional unavailability doesn't make her easy to be with at all. And Logan's death wish makes him nearly impossible to be with functionally.

But this is also why I think even their adolescent relationship is the only kind that would have ever worked for them at this time; not because of what their relationship is, but because of who they are as individuals. Logan beating up the guy didn't bother me as it may have done otherwise, because it's not exactly something specific to Veronica. It's how Logan has always dealt with stuff throughout the series. And I LOVE that Veronica cost Keith his position as Sheriff simply because she had to extract full revenge. Even though she could've stopped at any point when she found out about who did it and dealt with them individually. They can both be awful, and it's not that either of them has the high ground of being ~better, while the other person needs to live up to something, which is what makes them fascinating to me. Which is why I think the whole Madison thing didn't exactly ring true. Their first break-up in the season and the reasons for it is what should've been developed instead. Because that's where neither of them were wrong in saying that that was exactly who they were; Veronica wouldn't stop looking and putting herself in danger and Logan isn't ~built to stand on the sidelines. That's a real reason and it's so good, because they're both right essentially.


Headcanon: pre-series Logan totally had a huge Madonna-complex re: pre-series Veronica. Her naivete aroused his protective instincts and he used to curb his and Lilly's more risque displays in front of her. It amused Lilly greatly and annoyed her just the tiniest bit and she taunted him about it all the time, especially in bed. On that count, Lilly has played Veronica for Logan during sex for her own satisfaction a couple of times, even though he'd get angry and defensive about it, but never really resisted (that is apparently a lot of people's headcanon.) Which is why it was even more delicious when Veronica Mars in the course of the series broke all his assumptions to pieces. But somewhere at the back of his mind, a part of her is still the girl with the Disney Princess hair and that's why he constantly holds her like she might break (think of the way he strokes her hair basically.)

ALSO, Veronica and Logan when dating would totally mute the television and invent dialogues for the characters like ALL THE TIME (because you know they did.) And they've had way too many conversations in old-fashioned Southern drawls and sometimes they just switch off life and start playing characters and the other doesn't even blink, just takes the cue from whatever is said and assumes another character in the verse and continues the conversation. (This is because of Veronica's "he's going to marry me, pa, just you wait" conversation with Keith and Logan's "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers" conversation also with Keith. UGH, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH. HOW DO THEY EXIST.)


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