Watch me be positive!

Apr 09, 2013 07:07

Hey, remember when this was a fandom journal where fandom things were happening all the time? Yeah, let's do that again. I'm done being too freaked out to participate in my own fandom. So let's have a nice, easy way back in:

Ask me a fandom-related question in the comments. It can be fandom-specific, general, lj stuff/fic around. Questions can be ( Read more... )

mad men, meme

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pocochina April 10 2013, 04:50:07 UTC
I am apparently the only Tyler fan in the world who feels this way but I have loved it! To the point where I think I would make peace with it if that were the end of his arc on the show. I'm emotionally invested in him, obvs, and he's a sizeable part of what I get out of the show, but still, if that's the last time we see him then that means he GOT OUT OF MYSTIC FALLS ALIVE, or undead, or whatever. I'm trying to limit my caps use but that shit merits caps. NOBODY HAS EVER GOTTEN OUT OF MYSTIC FALLS ALIVE. That shit isn't even the Hunger Games! SOMEBODY ALWAYS GOTTA WIN THE HUNGER GAMES. And so I'm a bit baffled when I see that this is ~the writurrrrzz screwing him over, lol.

But I'm fairly sure he'll be back when the Originals are elsewhere, so I'm really glad there's a lot to love about it. I have a huge ~thing about the idea of facing your shadow self, and it started off in such a fascinating place, with Tyler having Klaus actually inside of him. And so he spends the rest of the season trying to wrestle himself back from Klaus and having to navigate that driving him to become *more* like Klaus when he asserts himself as the alpha hybrid. And Klaus clearly sees enough of himself in Tyler to bond and fixate (or even to have bothered making him into a hybrid in the first place) and just UGH ALL MY BUTTONS.

Anyway, questions! WHY IS MYSTIC FALLS SUCH A SHITHOLE!? How do they keep the feds out? What the fuck happened to the cheerleader whose open spot Elena took? Or, in seriousness, talk to me about vamp-Elena and how goddamn endearing she is.


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