Middle Earth no more

Mar 25, 2013 13:49

I'm home, and relatively alive. There are no sheep, which is sad, but my Damon cat is being his usual self, so good <3333333.

I'll actually have time to do fandom stuff now that I'm home! Like, read my flist, and comment on stuff, and even make posts and reply to comments! WATCH ME BE SOCIAL!

But first, I need to sleep.

Also: the sign-ups are officially over, but if someone wants to jump in at the last minute, you have time until I start sorting out the assignments tonight ;).

Elena Gilbert Fanwork Exchange
ialwayssurvive ialwayssurvive ialwayssurvive

Important dates:
March 18th - March 24th => sign-ups
March 27th => we send out the assignments
April 14th => last chance for drop-outs
April 24th => fanwork is due
May 1st => posting

i live in middle-fucking-earth, random, i fail at fandom

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