Fanfiction Announcement

Mar 10, 2013 09:58

Everything is ready at my fanfiction journal, so let's have an official start!

From now on, all my stories will be posted at i-wrote-a-thing

I finished crossposting about 48 hours ago, so I'd say it's safe to start following it now, without the danger of being spammed. This is how it's gonna be: i-wrote-a-thing will be home to everything I might want to share, including snippets / deleted scenes etc. Longer stuff / stuff I'm more pleased with will also be crossposted to my main journal. Additionally, from time to time I'll make a round up post with links to stuff I didn't crosspost (this is so that people who don't read TVD fic aren't regularly spammed with my ludicrous amount of comment!fic). I hope it all works out nicely!

i will never write again, i fail at fandom, jestem grafomanem

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