I was supposed to post this ages ago, but there were so many things going on I decided to postpone. So let's do it now!
If you would like to play then comment with the phrase "Hit me with your best shot" and I'll pick six of your icons for you to talk about.
Here go mine:
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I was in a desperate need of a Damon icon, and this was just perfect. What got me was one little detail: knowing this fandom, I'd expect a Damon icon to say "I burned all my bridges FOR you", but no, not this time. It's "WITH you" on this icon, and I love that. Makes so much sense for Damon and his eternal desire for a friend, a partner in crime.
Friendly advice: never call your friends names if they're icon makers. You'll end up seeing all the dumb things you said in their next icon batch XD.
I'm not very much into BSG (I liked it a lot, but I never felt inclined to write fic, so I never got very involved in fandom), but I wanted a Kara icon. I wanted something from my favorite episode, and this one was pretty :).
I'm a sucker for this kind of coloring, and Doris spoils me rotten. It's just so beautiful I could stare at it for hours, Katherine's tears surrounded by deep blue. Flashback Katherine should have a separate icon challenge, because the visuals are simply stunning. Just saying.
Obligatory Sad Wesley Icon is like a little black dress, you know? You could do without, obviously... but WHY would you?
This icon was made for me to use on a forum I moderated :D. Adequately intimidating GoT quote + a sheep joke, who'd resist? It's even more relevant now, when I actually live in the Land of Sheep (AKA Middle-Fucking-Earth).
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I'm deeply in love with the Big Brother and Little Sis vibe Dawn and Spike have. So I had to have an icon of the two of them telling horror stories.
I couldn't resist the beauty of this icon. The three of them locked in a medallion, all in black-and-white like an old picture, formal wear... Zoe has mad icon skills and I bow to them.
I'm still not over the fact that Elena is a vampire. For real though, I get inappropriately excited about it, and I need this icon as a reminder that yes, it's real. She's a vampire now, she's hungry, she wants more. I've been waiting for this for MONTHS, and now I revel in images of Elena's bloody mouth. GIVE ME MORE, SHOW.
One of my favorite scenes ever. Elena's "Go to hell", then her "death" in the dark, lifeless body in a pair of ridiculous, teenage sneakers. It's not the way heroes should die, and yet this is the way Elena dies. Not with a bang but with a whimper. She dies the way she was born to die.
FAVORITE IMAGERY EVER. Elena and Damon struggling, pushing and pulling, always openly angry with each other. I love a good fight, especially between people I ship, so this icon had to be mine. And I love the coloring, I really do. (I might or might not have a thing for yellow icons.)
I probably picked this icon for the quote (one of my favorite Buffy/Spike quotes ever), but I also like the negative space, the stillness, black-and-white seriousness. There's something about the mood of this icon that makes me want to have it forever.