TVD 4x14

Feb 15, 2013 10:59

I have a feeling that many of my thoughts will be different / more complex once I've had the time to rewatch and process the episode. Therefore I'm so writing down my initial reaction, it will be interesting to have it for future reference :D.

I am pleased.

I've seen some mixed reactions to Jeremy's death, and I am sorry to see him go, but overall I liked the way everything went down? It was brutal and tragic, but in a very cruel way it made sense. The Hunters were made to raise and kill Silas. I won't be surprised if it turns out that the Hunter's Curse was actually a way to get him killed, that he couldn't have been woken without draining Jeremy dry, but the Curse will make him want to take the Cure.

Now I'm waiting for the emotional fall-out. Bring it on, show!

Also: this episode was so damn good! Everything Bonnie and Jeremy was excellent, the way he was her anchor just like she was his before. Brilliant. I like this in a ship, you keep me human and I'll keep you from falling into madness. THOSE KIDS. I ship it. In the afterlife, apparently.

ELENA GILBERT MAKING PEACE WITH THE FACT THAT SHE WON'T GET THE CURE!!! Amazing. She said all the things I ever wanted her to say on the show. And then she got her shit together and went to get the cure for Klaus, because bless my girl and bless her quick thinking.

Damon was interesting and relatively reasonable. Knew when to give up. Knew when to take a step back. I dig it. He'll do anything for Elena, but if he's too injured to walk, he'll do the smart thing and stay behind. All the dialogue with Vaughn, all the dialogue with Rebekah... I approve!

I did not expect to see Katherine in this episode! I wonder why she wants the cure. Is it to kill Klaus, or does she have another agenda? FYI, I'd watch a separate show of Katherine plotting to kill Klaus, and I say it while being bored to tears by all the repeated attempts to get rid of him.

I loved how, in the end, the dead people in the well turned out to be hallucinations, and how everyone just left Shane behind without blinking.

Rebekah told Stefan the truth, and then she broke his neck. YES.

Even Klaroline scenes were good. WTF show?

To sum up: Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert are queens. Haters to the left.

My internet at home died, so if I'm not around for a few days - that's why (posting this from school). The internet is back, so I'll see you guys after work \o/

fandom: the vampire diaries

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