28 Days of Wrong!Shipping: Day Nine

Jan 19, 2013 22:26

The full list can be found here. Here be TVD spoilers.

Day 9: The ship you want to see being a trainwreck tragedy because they're too alike.
TVD, Elena/Katherine

I love things that can be done with this pairing. It can be treated as a study in fascination with the self. It can give some unique insight in both Elena and Katherine, two girls born to die (I once saw a ficathon prompt for them that said “I am a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl”, and it's still the best doppelgager quote ever). Since they're genetically identical, all the differences between them are culture and personal experience, so how much exactly does culture shape us? Elena isn't just identical to Katherine, she's also five centuries younger, which, frankly, makes their story a historian's wet dream. Or, you know. Mine.

fandom: the vampire diaries, 28 days of wrong!shipping

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