28 Days of Wrong!Shipping: Day Four

Jan 14, 2013 23:25

The full list can be found here. Here be A Song of Ice and Fire (book) spoilers.

Day 4: The ship that would ruin/assassinate the characters if it happened )

fandom: game of thrones, 28 days of wrong!shipping

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Comments 10

rosaxx50 January 15 2013, 06:42:21 UTC
Ah, ASOIAF. ONe day I will actually finish reading the books. I did like the Jon-Robb dynamic, or what I saw of it in Game of Thrones. Brothers.


upupa_epops January 15 2013, 18:30:27 UTC
Sometimes I, too, can ship incest ;).

The fourth book kinda drags out, but I liked the fifth better.


scorpiod1 January 15 2013, 19:32:27 UTC
Oooh, agreed. Because I ship them like burning, but there's no way you can maintain their storylines if you have them stay together. Neither of them can really grow if they stay together, especially Jon, who needs steps out of Robb's shadow and out of Winterfell. I've seen a number of fics where Jon stays with Robb and it doesn't derail his arc and development and everyone is completely happy and it just doesn't ring true /o\


upupa_epops January 15 2013, 19:37:14 UTC
Yeah, if Jon stayed with Robb, he'd always be his bastard brother, nothing more. He'd never grow to be a leader, and Jon is a WAY better leader than Robb. Would be a way better king. Ironically, I could see them staying together and growing in an AU in which Jon is trueborn, and Robb baseborn.


scorpiod1 January 15 2013, 20:00:11 UTC
This. Jon is much more suited for the role. Robb tries, but I think he's mostly trying to live up to other's expectations, while Jon is trying to live up to his own.

Ironically, I could see them staying together and growing in an AU in which Jon is trueborn, and Robb baseborn.

I've actually read that fic once, and it was amazing.


upupa_epops January 15 2013, 20:06:00 UTC
Ooooh, there's a fic? I remember discussing this idea as an AU scenario with a friend, but I didn't know someone actually wrote it :). Not that I read that much GoT ff XD.


mlekopijca January 17 2013, 00:33:50 UTC
I don't like you now :P


upupa_epops January 17 2013, 00:34:46 UTC
You love me because you know I'm right :P.


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