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bitcheesquared December 30 2012, 16:53:05 UTC
Wonderful analysis. And I want to say for the record: There's a very old quote that applies here. 'You can please some of the people some of the time. all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time..'
This show is ultimately about entertainment, entertainment that comes in the form of both positive and negative responses to the story. It can't be all candy canes and rainbows all of the time, or everyone would switch off and watch something else. The people that are now bagging the show are doing so because they don't like where it's going... well suck it up everybody coz that is life in a nutshell.

I hate that my favorite character (Damon) is in this situation but I'm loving the show for that very reason.

I love the fact that I and my thirteen year old daughter, get to throw stuff at the screen and yell abuse at Caroline and Stefan. I love that we both get all indignant on Damon's behalf and sad that Elena is so confused about what she feels. And I love that each week there is something new that I can go on to my live journal to bitch about, or to just leave comments on my friends page when their posts strike a note.

I love this show, I don't always like what the show is doing to the characters, but that's the whole point. Love or hate it.... at least it's not boring or so predictable that you only tune in to confirm that your guesses for next weeks story line were right.

You keep om metaring and I'll keep on reading and for the people that think the show has deteriorated... don't freaking watch it.

As for the analyses? Only the writers know the real truth. But isn't it fun trying to work it out. And isn't that the point of these posts?
If you enjoyed writing this post half as much as I enjoyed reading it then who give's a fat rat's ass what anyone else thinks.
You go girl!
Cheers D


upupa_epops December 31 2012, 11:02:41 UTC
Thank you for your voice of confidence, but I already cleared things up with my friend.


bitcheesquared December 31 2012, 18:20:29 UTC
My comment actually wasn't directed at any specific person... It was more a general blurt in defense of a show that has been getting way too much flack from every quarter. If it seemed otherwise I must apologize, I only meant to encourage your continuing meta not take sides. Again, sorry if I offended anyone, it was completely unintentional.


upupa_epops January 1 2013, 21:52:59 UTC
I'm sorry, I automatically assumed you were referring to other comments in this post. My bad :).


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