I Want YOU comment!ficathon

Dec 16, 2012 14:32

TVD is on hiatus, and winter Christmas is coming. I need fic in my life, and I'm sure it's not just me. So let's play! I had a ficathon like this before ( here if anyone was interested), and it worked well, so let's do it again :). Inspired by a similar challenge hosted by stainofmylove

I want YOU comment!ficathon

banner by eilowyn


1. If you want to participate, you comment with a list of fandoms/characters/ships/themes you're willing to write about. You're welcome to give as much or as little info as you like: you talk about stuff you're vaguely interested in writing, or about projects you're stuck with, or about kinds of prompts you're looking for. Do whatever you think will help you to write!
2. You look at other people's threads and give them prompts.
3. Writing, commenting and general happiness will ensue. Possible Holiday spirit.
4. Remember to link filled prompts here with appropriate headers (fandom, characters/pairings, rating, warnings, prompt).

Important: This is not an obligation. You don't have to fill every single prompt you get (although you're welcome to try!). Just fill as many as you can/feel like. The point is to give authors lots of opportunities to choose from, and not for the authors to spend Christmas chained to their keyboards :).

Feel free to promote!

We want YOU comment!ficathon
(click on the picture)


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