I'm Just Trying to Stay Blameless (Elena, Damon)

Dec 04, 2012 21:43

Title: I'm Just Trying to Stay Blameless
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: [4x07 spoiler]This time, I am definitely not ignoring anything that happens in 4x07. There's no sex, but I am strongly focusing on the sire bond, so if the concept is triggering for you, you might want to skip this.
Wordcount: 1300 (I have no idea why did I even set up a ( Read more... )

december meme of doom, fanfiction: the vampire diaries

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kwritten December 5 2012, 06:52:41 UTC
Elena's attraction to Damon (and a possibility for her to sleep with Damon) worked as a metaphor for breaking free from being The Good Girl. Now the tables are turned and suddenly Damon The Friend becomes crucial, because she can't doubt their friendship. Idk, I'm rambling, I can't really phrase it well, but this feels important.

NOT rambling (jumping in - sorry!)

Completely accurate. Or at least - entirely plausible with a heaping side of important. And also - maybe this will be a good thing that comes from this CLUSTERFUCK of a problem? The the Good Girl vs. Bad Girl motif can be spun even more on it's head because now - the Friend is so much more important (or potentially) than the ~Lover.

One thing that ~bothered me was that Elena was compelled all those times by Damon - which was a huge manipulation. She built her worldview empty of things that he made her forget. And they never really handled that. One conversation doesn't fix that. Siring and compulsion feel so so so so so similar to me! Maybe this will force Elena to rethink those moments, or at least - we'll see a connection between them in a way that helps Elena come to her own decision about what is happening in her brain?

Now I'm rambling!


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