I Hold You Close To Help You Give It Up (Damon/Elena)

Dec 02, 2012 03:02

I can't believe I just did this...

Title: I Hold You Close To Help You Give It Up
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 1500
Characters/Pairings: Damon/Elena
Spoilers: 4x07
Summary: Damon isn't sure who kisses whom first.
A/N: Do you know what shame is? Yeah, neither do I. Mythical creature.

[4x07 spoiler]This is basically a make-feel-better Read more... )

fanfiction: the vampire diaries

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Comments 36

magisterequitum December 2 2012, 03:47:11 UTC

the mirroring of this and their moves to one another, so great.


upupa_epops December 2 2012, 09:28:21 UTC
It's all because you people and your thoughts, ugh! I HAD TO GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM!

Thank you <33333.


angearia December 2 2012, 03:49:06 UTC
Why am I crying?

He wants to freeze this moment, stop time and stay like this, because he doesn't remember the last time he saw her so happy, felt her so happy, and he wants to, needs to keep making her happy.


She likes to kiss and she likes to lead, things he guessed a long ago, but he couldn't have known how much she likes to touch, how much she needs to touch, to constantly make sure he's not going anywhere.


Somehow it's more important to feel her hands on him than to actually get naked


She's tortuously slow now, tender and almost chaste. Elena likes to kiss, he remembers as his arms wrap loosely around her.

I love this repetition sfm.

He kisses her collarbone, hoping for once that she won't push him back down.

He just wants to be close to her waaaaaah.


upupa_epops December 2 2012, 09:31:00 UTC

Born to service her tbh.

HOW WOULD SHE KNOW HE'LL NEVER LEAVE HER? Everyone leaves her, everyone but him, and she has to be sure he won't leave as well! (Fuck you, now I want this whole thing from Elena's POV.)



vergoldung December 2 2012, 04:05:01 UTC
Elena laughs when she comes, laughs in a way that makes him feel a little dizzy, laughs and pulls him up for a kiss before he can wipe his mouth. He's a mess, his hair sticking up in every possible direction and his chin still wet from her, but he grins like an idiot when he hears her laugh, grins when she flips them over and kisses his neck.

You are my hero and lbr how would I ever deal without you. (I wouldn't.)

Also, you might want to know that the long!hair worship cameo ended me. Just. Cannot handle it. (You are way too good to me.)

I'm very tired and full of confusion re: my feels on the ep, but right now I don't even care about shitty framing. That's how awesome you are.


upupa_epops December 2 2012, 09:34:14 UTC
I'm glad this helps to deal with shitty framing <333. It also helped me tbh.

Also, you might want to know that the long!hair worship cameo ended me.

IT'S JUST THAT YOU KNOW SHE FUCKED UP HIS HAIR SO MUCH WHEN HE WAS GOING DOWN ON HER! And then I couldn't stop thinking about him doing something to mirror this.

Thank you!


linsell_farm December 2 2012, 04:10:10 UTC
I Can't. I have lost the ability to can. I will never can again.


upupa_epops December 2 2012, 09:35:15 UTC
I don't even remember the last time I had an ability to can, so I think I can relate.


badboy_fangirl December 2 2012, 07:43:06 UTC
Elena is shaking, or maybe he's shaking, never mind, really, because she acts like she wants to claw her way into him.
That's what happens when you wait SO LONG to take what you want. *sigh*

The second he's done Elena's fingers are back in his hair, and she's urging him down, tugging like her life depended on it. It turns out Elena is loud, much louder than him, demanding and needy (alive, alive, Elena is alive). All Damon needs to do is close his eyes and listen to her body until he finds the right spot and the right speed. By the time he gets there he's so tuned in to her that he can hear blood in her veins, can feel the slightest twitch of muscles.
This might be hotter than asking for directions. Just sayin'...

Elena likes to kiss, he remembers as his arms wrap loosely around her. The urgency is gone now, they're both relaxed and maybe a little bit sleepy, but they still can't stop touching each other. There's no reason why they would stop touching each other.
AUGH. The end.

This climax is weaker, but Elena's mouth finds Damon's ( ... )


upupa_epops December 2 2012, 09:40:34 UTC
Awwwww, I earned a Yoda icon ;).

This might be hotter than asking for directions. Just sayin'...

THEY JUST LOOK SO TUNED IN IN THAT SCENE! Not like two people clashing, but like two people melting together, holding each other up... Physically, maybe it would've been more satisfying if she gave him some directions. But this scene was so NOT about physical satisfaction, it was about feeling seen and listened and accepted.

Thank you! :)


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