TVD 4x02, Memorial

Oct 21, 2012 01:49

I promised real thoughts on this episode, so here it goes ;). I'm terribly late with replying to comments and reading other episode reactions, I know. It's just that school started, real life takes up a lot of time, and when I actually have some internet time, I try to write fic. I'll do my best to be less late, but I'm not sure if I can catch up ( Read more... )

note to self: less talk, fictional vampires ruin my life, yes i'm always like that, elena gilbert is amazing, damon omg damon, dear lord, how unfortunate, fandom: the vampire diaries, caroline forbes is awesome

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upupa_epops October 21 2012, 10:39:05 UTC
Ugh, this whole post is gross.

I regret nothing.

You know, I get why they'd want to do this, and it's totally in character for both of them, but I think my powers of self-delusion are just not that good, because I kind of can't fathom being able to act like it never happened?

Hmm, but I guess that's the point of 4x02? Elena CAN'T act like it never happened, but she tries to force herself anyway, and it ends with a psychosomatic reaction to blood. At least this seems like the most plausible explanation for me, because "your body is rejecting transition because of your doppelganger blood"? It sounds like Damon himself doesn't believe it, he's talking just to talk. There is no non-ridiculous supernatural explanation to what's happening to Elena. But a psychosomatic reaction makes a lot of sense to me.

Stefan didn't mention it being ~personal then. He just thought it was dangerous because he'd want to eat her.

Yes, exactly! But it clearly is personal for Damon.

Like, she'd rather go off with Damon, not because she wants to be with Damon, but because she and Damon are so alike, they have the same idea about how to handle their grief.

Oh, that's exactly what I meant! She wouldn't want to be with Damon, she'd want to be alone and quiet.


eowyn_315 October 22 2012, 18:16:55 UTC
Elena CAN'T act like it never happened, but she tries to force herself anyway, and it ends with a psychosomatic reaction to blood.

I hadn't actually considered that it was psychosomatic until you said it, lol, but I guess we'll know for certain if it's not a problem next ep. Works for me!


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