"Mister, I'll make a man out of you" (Damon Salvatore and gender performance)

Jul 01, 2012 14:23

(I'm not here. Just posting this quickly, because vergoldung wanted to read this meta before she goes on hiatus, and then I'm running away again. I'm so laaaaaaate!)

bellonablack requested a meta about how Damon's and Stefan's background influences gender roles they perform. That's not exactly what I'm going to do. It's not a Brothers post, it's a Damon post, because I ( Read more... )

note to self: less talk, meta, damon omg damon, fandom: the vampire diaries, fictional vampires ruin my life, yes i'm always like that, i honestly don't know

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vergoldung July 1 2012, 14:29:18 UTC
He has to take his personality into account, and he's not that good at fitting into patterns, he's never been. Being a patchwork of various gender performances is the best survival technique for him, so he became a patchwork. Damon is far too practical to be rebellious. He has to be smart. Like Katherine.
Beautifully said.

This post is incredible. I can't believe you actually posted this early so I'd be able to read it before my hellatus begins!!! You are more than amazing ♥ How will I ever survive without your loveliness? *misses you already*

Because of that, I will now spam you with pretty Artaud quotes. And they are even relevant* to your post! :)
(*Relevant to my thoughts on the post at the very least?)

"Qu'on excuse ma liberté absolue. Je me refuse à faire de différence entre aucune des minutes de moi-même. Je ne me reconnais pas dans l'esprit de plan. Il faut en finir avec l'Esprit comme avec la littérature. Je dis que l'Esprit et la vie communiquent à tous les degrés."
"Je souffre que l'Esprit ne soit pas dans la vie et que la vie ne soit pas l'Esprit, je souffre de l'Esprit-organe, de l'Esprit-traduction, ou de l'Esprit-intimidation-des-choses pour les faire entrer dans l'Esprit."

Both are from L'Ombilic des Limbes. Here's a rough (and not so pretty) translation :
1. Excuse my absolute liberty. I refuse to make a difference between any of the minutes of myself. I don't recognize myself in the spirit of plan. Spirit needs to be buried, like literature. I say that Spirit and life communicate on every level.
2. I suffer from Spirit not being in life and from life not being in Spirit, I suffer from Organ-Spirit, from Translation-Spirit, or Intimidation-of-things-Spirit trying to make things enter Spirit.

(Edited because I suck at translating? It's so difficult to translate him because there are a lot of concepts held in the way he arranges his words...)


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