Multifandom Comment Rec-a-thon

Jun 23, 2012 23:58

You wouldn't believe how many fannish ideas I have now that I don't really get fandom time. I'm terribly bored, and only messages from friends keep me sane. So I thought of something I could do even on hiatus. Ready? Go!


How does it work?A bit like a comment ficathon, only it's for recs. Think of something you ( Read more... )

comment rec-a-thon

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Comments 179

wheatear June 23 2012, 22:01:55 UTC

(This is a great idea btw.)


snickfic June 23 2012, 22:43:23 UTC
So, Your Modliness, you're okay me plugging this to the world for fandoms that are, you know, not your main ones? Because I have a ton of SPN and BtVS things I'd love help finding, but not so much TVD.


wheatear June 23 2012, 22:03:47 UTC
The Vampire Diaries - Elena - I want fic where Elena pretends to be Katherine for whatever reason.


shipperjunkie June 24 2012, 03:39:03 UTC
Self-Inflicted Wounds by mchristie22

This fic is 190,000 words. It's Damon/Elena and the B plot is Ripper!Stefan/Katherine and hands down one of the best stories I've ever read. Set post-2x22.

For once, Elena wanted to do exactly what Damon asked without question. She just didn't know if she could. Coolly, she surveyed the bar, trying not to shrink into Damon's side under the heavy stares of a dozen pairs of inhuman eyes. I'm Katherine now, she reminded herself, and Katherine would never show weakness in the presence of a bunch of backwoods hicks - vampire or not ( ... )


wheatear June 24 2012, 18:58:23 UTC
Thank you, have bookmarked!


badboy_fangirl June 25 2012, 17:18:47 UTC
Not to be a self-pimp, but I haven't come across many myself, though I did once write one. I read one once, but I didn't bookmark it, and I have no idea where it is now. :*(

A Beautiful Lie


linsell_farm June 23 2012, 22:07:30 UTC
The Vampire Diaries - Caroline/Elena fiction

ETA this is a great idea


shipperjunkie June 24 2012, 03:27:53 UTC

Fic: We fall, but our souls are flying...
Rating: T?
Category: Angst/Friendship/Character Death
Fandom: Vampire Diaries
Warning: Post 3x22, Angst, Character Death, Suicide
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. I’m borrowing it.
Summary: It falls like a spill of ink; cuts through her flesh and merges with the shadows in her clothes; she’s not sure where she ends, where the darkness begins, or how the sunlight that is Caroline Forbes exists on the same plane as she does.

( "Together forever?" "Forever." )


linsell_farm June 24 2012, 23:49:45 UTC
Thanks for this great recc. It was a good read. :)


rosaxx50 June 24 2012, 06:13:23 UTC
Have you read i hope we shall drink down all unkindness by eenaangel (post 3.22, I'd say PG-ish)?

Elena leaves Stefan for Damon in Buenos Aires, leaves Damon for Elijah in Madrid, leaves Elijah for Stefan in Bejing, and leaves them all for Caroline one summer day in a place once called Mystic Falls.

"I don't love them like they want me to," Elena murmurs on nights stretched out on the hood of Caroline's stolen car. Her eyes will trace out the lines of constellations her mother taught her and Elena will remember that she felt loved but can't feel that old love anymore. "I don't love like I used to at all. I don't think I love at all."

Caroline sips from a bottle of vodka most nights (days, afternoons, all hours, all the time), tips her head back and contemplates the prairies skies. "They burn it out of you. They love you and love you and love you and turn you into an idol instead of a girl, so you turn to stone to accomodate them. And then they complain, because they love to complain, and they say that this wasn't what they wanted."


wheatear June 23 2012, 22:10:39 UTC
Any of the following fandoms: Doctor Who, The Vampire Diaries, Final Fantasy VII-X-2, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones (TV not books), Downton Abbey - any characters - daemon fusion fic

I've read a few in a couple of these fandoms, but I'd love to see what's out there.


amaresu June 24 2012, 13:02:25 UTC
Over at AO3 there is both the Alternate Universe-Daemon tag and the general Daemon tag. There's overlap, but a number of people appear to only use one or the other. Regardless there's lots of fic to dig through. Not sure if any of it is in those fandoms though. I'm almost positive I saw a Harry Potter one at one point in time, but I don't know for sure.


wheatear June 24 2012, 19:11:20 UTC
Thank you! Will dig through those...


bellonablack June 23 2012, 22:13:01 UTC
Damon-Stefan fic, gen or more. I'd love to read good fic about their relationship.


fluffyfrolicker June 23 2012, 23:21:43 UTC
I don't know how much this suits your idea of "gen or more" because there's a lot of "more" in it, but I think it's an amazing fic, mostly focused on Stefan and it might just be is definitely my favorite Stefan fic ever.

Stefan starts rationalizing it like this: The first time doesn't count because Katherine started it. All the other times don't count because Damon started it.

Very adult, incest, dub-con, non-con (compulsion)


bellonablack June 24 2012, 01:14:56 UTC
I'm all for more :) thanks for the recc, looks good!


softly_me June 24 2012, 18:00:10 UTC
it might just be is definitely my favorite Stefan fic ever.

... )


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