Do I do what I want to do? Or do I do what I should do?

May 13, 2012 10:33

Ok, so I'm still processing the finale, and I have thoughts. Actually, I have too many thoughts, so I decided to break them into three separate posts. This is the first one, the other two (maybe I'll be able to combine them in one?) will appear some time this week.

Warnings: I overanalyse teen vampire shows. In order to make it more bearable, I ( Read more... )

meta, fandom: the vampire diaries, fictional vampires ruin my life, yes i'm always like that

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mugma May 13 2012, 14:27:37 UTC
I really shouldn't wirte so long posts in English

Ugh, your post clearly helped me to gather myself after this episode. I said before "how Stefan could not saved her?!", but the thing is, I understand it, although don't understand a concept of it. Damon would save her no matter what and this is how love sholud works for me (my perspective, yes). You save people you love even if it means they'd hate you. It was right for Stefan to save Matt first, because he respect Elena and her choices (it was theme of basically second part of this season). And because Damon doesn't respect, it means he doesn't love her? I don't get this kind of thinking. Both Stefan and Damon have made wrong decisions in their life, but Damon is constantly judging, and Stefan is Elena's epic love no matter what. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of this whole concept "true love always win, because fuck you, that's why". I hate that this whole season of delena epic moments in the end means nothing more than "I care about you". Maybe I'm getting this wrong, but this is how it looks like.
Also, I was really mad at Elena choosing Stefan, but I get it right now. Especially with Julie Plec saying sth like "Elena chose Stefan, because she was human and everything can change". I feel like I shouldn't believe Julie at all, but I'll take a shot. I'm very excited to see vamp!Elena in fourth season, remembering all those things and with 200% emotions.


upupa_epops May 13 2012, 21:48:08 UTC
See, I think it's not about who loves Elena "better". The show will never answer that question. Of course there's been some terrible framing in the last few episodes (the trauma of 3x20), but the finale had it pretty clear: some people do this, some people do that, and you will never be able to tell who was right. The finale didn't confirm the Epic Love. The Epic Love got Elena killed.

I hate that this whole season of delena epic moments in the end means nothing more than "I care about you".

I actually think it was glorious, but, again, I'm making a separate post on this.


mugma May 13 2012, 21:57:36 UTC
The Epic Love got Elena killed.
Yes, thank you. Ugh. I'm still confused by the finale, so maybe I'm really getting things wrong, so I'm looking forward for your next post. You can write it as long as you want :)


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