Title: Happily Ever After
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Wordcount: 1500
Spoilers: 3x16
Warnings: musical instruments, sex and FEELINGS. Not a good combination. Also, Elena is a morally dubious princess.
Summary: They have sex. Oh, and there's a piano.
A/N: Damon/Elena, mentions of Stefan/Elena. For
ever-neutral, who requested a fic in which they
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Comments 44
For ever_neutral, who requested a fic in which they have sex on a piano, preferably multiple times.
You make it sound like you weren't TOTALLY GOING TO DO THIS YOURSELF WITHOUT MY PROVOCATION. fool.
and he doesn't know how he will ever get up.
He makes it so that he can hear everything, and it feels like being inside of a movie: soft jazz in the background and the familiar sound of bodies moving against one another. Stefan likes this melody, and Damon tries to make it personal, plays a note a little lower every time he hears Elena moan, speeds up, slows down, waits, anticipates, finishes. Every time it's a little easier to keep up, and Damon is good at noticing the patterns, he can hear if Stefan and Elena are tender or passionate, careful or hasty, serious or silly, casual or romantic. // It's been a few days, and everything upstairs sounds like a fairy tale, so Damon knows that soon Elena will come down to seek him again.Oh my God, DO I EVEN NEED TO SPEAK OF HOW GROSS AND FUCKED UP THIS IS? ( ... )
You make it sound like you weren't TOTALLY GOING TO DO THIS YOURSELF WITHOUT MY PROVOCATION. fool.
I wasn't. I would've thought about it for three days, write one scene and then give it up. So this is totally your fault.
Anyway. I am disgusting, this is gross, and also I regret nothing.
Yes, Damon definitely doesn't know what's going on, he's just filtering through his very selfish perspective, and it doesn't mean shit that he's perceptive. He's ultimately self-centred. I LOVE HOW YOU OVERANALYSE PIANO PORN.
Something about Damon being an unyielding surface that Elena can work out her emotions (and identities) on, and experiment with, IDK… And there's the obvious bit where he's often her ~instrument for harm
In conclusion: thank you, happy birthday, I hate you, you filthy enabler.
But, as I said, I had moments when I could appreciate (lol) the writing, like:
but then Elena says “Please,” and he doesn't know how he will ever get up.
Damon Salvatore is a sequence of ridiculous events joined rather by themes than plots
(although after this something is missing for me, the follow up on those themes)
She looks tiny and helpless as he sits her on the lid of the piano and steps between her legs.
she needs him to believe, so he believes her with all his heart
Anyway, thank you for the comment! I'm sorry I didn't convince you :(. Might be that I just spend so much time overanalysing those two that when I'm writing, I forget about a proper introduction.
The problem with convincing me may be caused partially by me not really caring about the pairing. I've found that it makes reading and really getting into a ship fic more difficult. ;) But I'd agree that if you (and any writer in general, because I think i's not so unusual) know your version of the characters really well, you may not put something in your fic that you assume is well-known or obvious? And I'm not saying you should explain everything, of course! That would be boring and all. But, in the case of that fic, I'd need a little more convincing that it'd be a plausible scenario, when - I assume - you believe it could happen.
...Am I making any sense?
Now I'm wondering if I'm making any sense...
Oh, while we're talking about watching random shows - I'm still watching SPN, and, since I have nothing else to watch, I might actually catch up o_O.
( ... )
Shut up, your fic was amazing! I was in the middle of writing when I saw it, and I was totally going to leave it for after I've finished, but then I couldn't resist. It ended with half an hour of wallowing in self-pity and moping that I shall never write again. I WANT YOU TO WRITE ALL THE PIANO!PORN. ALL OF IT! Really. I am ready to start making puppy eyes at you.
I'm so glad you like the characterization! It took me a while to figure out, because the 3x16 piano scene is just such a drama queen moment for me. The idea of piano sex cracked me up, and I didn't know how to make a serious story out of it, so I'm happy it worked for you!
And Elena, completely unapologetic, guiding Damon's notes and Stefan's pen and playing Damon and writing StefanFrankly, I don't see how this could go differently. This show is essentially about Elena growing up, so if a story like that doesn't rely on Elena having all the agency, it just makes no sense for me. That's why I loved ( ... )
I'm totally incoherent right now. I can't even comment properly on this beauty...
Just know that I loved it to bits. Fuck, I loved it so much and it broke my heart.
After reading I've come to the conclusion I don't read enough TVD fic! Your Damon voice is beautiful. How he lets her come to him again and again... I loved it!
If it makes you feel any better, I was editing and posting this fic from school library ;).
Thank you! I'm glad I convinced you to read more TVD fic!
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