The Vampire Diaries 3x14

Feb 10, 2012 11:19

Apparently, notifications on lj are broken. AGAIN.

WARNING: This post is mostly about Damon/Elena, because I'm insane that way. WHY DO I EVEN SHIP IT THEY'RE BREAKING MY HEART EVERY WEEK!

Also, babbling. Those are all first impressions, and in 24 hours I'll probably be more intelligent and organized. Or, you know what? Probably not...

I thought I didn't like plots in which you know that two people are going to bone sooner or later, but it just keeps not happening. Well, I changed my mind. D/E, DRAG IT OUT AS LONG AS YOU PLEASE! I absolutely adore their dynamics, and how there has to be a fuck-up every few episodes.

Damon was out of line. He thought he had some rights, he thought he could behave like The Caretaker (That last D/E scene, the "I'm mad because I love you" scene? HE EVEN BROUGHT ELENA'S SHAWL). And Elena won't have it. She won't have Damon behaving like they are close, and she won't have ANYONE making her a damsel in distress. So Elena has Stefan break Damon's neck, and then she waves Damon off when he says he loves her. So Damon acts out by picking a fight with one Original and banging another.

Also, Damon is changing, I think. When he said "I love you" in 2x08, he cried and compelled Elena to forget. When he did it in 2x22, it was a deathbed confession. Now he's throwing it at Elena's face to blackmail her, he has crazy eyes and melodramatic gestures, and this confession JUST DOESN'T MEAN A THING. Damon uses it like a hammer, so Elena also hits him with a hammer (why yes, I do have a thing for hammers. So sue me). Things are different. Damon's spent months on Team Elena now, he got closer with her as a friend, he can't idiolize her any more, and now Elena is showing him he can't treat her as if she were his Victorian wife. And she's doing it in a cruel way, because he is Damon. In Elena's world, Damon can't break. She can throw anything at him, and he won't break. #Alex is a prophet and I owe her a cookie

"IT'S SOME TWISTED CINDIRELLA FETISH!" CAROLINE FORBES, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Calling Klaus out on THINGS and being generally unimpressed. CAROLINE, I WANT YOU TO REJECT KLAUS ALL THE TIME! In my perfect world, from now on Klaus treats Caroline as a queen (he is pathetic like that), and she treats him like a creepy stalker. Please, show, please, do it! Let Caroline comment on all the cliche scenarios.

Oh dear, Stefan/Elena is so happening soon. And I... I want it to happen? Because it just fits so perfectly with Elena's story this season, and it will probably end with such a glorious disaster? OMG AM I SHIPPING STEFAN/ELENA NOW???

The Originals are all twelve, except for Elijah, who is everyone's big brother. I love Kol already. One more episode and he will be my favorite Original. KLAUS IS A PAINTER, TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Oh fuck. I just realized that the Caroline portrait from this episode and the one of Katherine's family from 2x09 look as if they were drawn by the same person.

What was this weird Matt/Rebekah stuff?


Also. Is it just me, or anyone else also wants to forget about the entire world and spend the weekend writing Damon/Rebekah porn? SHE COULD RIP HIM APART AND HE WOULD LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!!!!!!!!

fandom: the vampire diaries

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