What's wrong with Damon Salvatore?

Feb 07, 2012 02:39

This post is based on wild speculation. I agree that what I'm writing about is not the only possible explanation; it's guesswork, and I only hope it's logical ( Read more... )

meta, damon omg damon, fandom: the vampire diaries

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badboy_fangirl May 2 2012, 05:21:08 UTC
Thanks for linking me to this, even though you feel lame for doing so. Not lame, I would never have found this without some direction ( ... )


upupa_epops May 2 2012, 05:50:54 UTC
You flatter, sir ( ... )


badboy_fangirl May 2 2012, 18:53:17 UTC
The more I think about it, the more I think the opening scene should be between him and Emily. I could create my fondest wish, and write this fic, and now I'm starting to get really excited about it....


upupa_epops May 2 2012, 18:58:59 UTC
Awwww! Good luck with your writing then :D. So you made up your mind? You're gonna sign up?


badboy_fangirl May 2 2012, 20:22:42 UTC
I won't commit until after the finale. Sign ups are until May 17th, so that gives me time to think about it more. I'm definitely leaning more towards it than not, but if the show crushes me, it might kill the muse. You never know.


upupa_epops May 2 2012, 20:57:09 UTC
I feel you :(. TVD Bigbang is about to open, and once it does, I'll probably spend a week dancing around it... I REALLY want to write, especially since I've never written anything that long before. But what if the finale makes me not want to see this show ever again?

But today I made up a theory that proves that Elena will certainly either go for Damon, or tell both of them to leave her alone. I have no idea if it makes any sense, but it makes me feel better, so I'm sticking to it ;).


badboy_fangirl May 2 2012, 21:10:56 UTC
Are you sharing this theory, or is it for your amusement only?

What is the name of the TVD bigbang comm? I might have belonged to it once, but I don't think I do now. I need to rejoin for the duration so I know what's going on!


upupa_epops May 2 2012, 21:42:32 UTC
It's tvd-bigbangI'm still brainstorming the theory ;). The general gist is that if the writers want to set up a S/E finale, they need to follow a certain convention they've already started: the convention of Epic Love That Conquers All. It's a very stereotypical convention, I'd even call it a cliche, so it has certain rules that are practically set in stone. The writers don't work just with S/E; they also have Damon in the mix, the triangle is the premise of the show, so whatever happens, Damon has to be narratively compatible with S/E storyline ( ... )


badboy_fangirl May 2 2012, 22:12:18 UTC
This all seems feasible to me. At this point, I really can't believe we're going to have to endure (or that they honestly think D/E fans will put up with it, being the bigger faction in the fandom) S/E again at this point. Maybe down the line, after Damon and Elena have broken up for some reason she would revisit it, but at this point it feels completely false. HOWEVER, I won't be any happier with a I-love-Damon confession that is somehow thwarted. If we get some audience-knows-but-Damon-doesn't business I'm just as likely to throw my towel in the ring and call it a day if the last two episodes are as badly done as 3x20.

On that Negative Nellie note, I will say that I have to remember how much I've loved this show, and the development of D/E and I should be able to hold on to the positive that far outweighs the negative, and so reading your thoughts here helps with that. Despite Julie Plec's weird ideas about EPIC LOVE, I have to believe she doesn't intend to ruin her female protagonist entirely. *hope, hope, hope*


upupa_epops May 2 2012, 22:59:32 UTC
Well, I can't tell anything smart about D/E ;). Their story is unpredictable for me, but in a good way; I can guess, but I can't analyze they way I analyzed S/E within the triangle. Their story makes sense. But I kind of hope the show doesn't go for a big "I Love You So Much" finale? Because, seriously, where do they go from here? How would Damon and Elena work in s4 if s3 ended like that? They can't get two seasons of happy sappy love like S/E did, because telling the same story with a different brother would make no sense at all. D/E is different, it has to be different. D/E is about the dark, the liminal, the adult, the scary. I mean, would you keep shipping it if in s4 it turned into s2 S/E? I wouldn't. We can't simply replace one Epic Love story with another ( ... )


badboy_fangirl May 2 2012, 23:56:08 UTC
I'm not talking about some traditional romance, I'm talking about your standard contrivance where the two people who love each other and want to be together can't for some DUMB reason. With Damon and Elena, I'd even be in love with the plot line of them wanting each other, them knowing they want each other, and then they choose not to be together for some reason that ~torments them. I'd love angsty stuff like that. But I'd also like to see them in the functioning relationship they were in from 3x06-3x11 or so WITH SEX. That would be fine with me too ( ... )


upupa_epops May 3 2012, 00:18:23 UTC
Oh yes, I could totally see the friendship they had in 3x08-3x09 (I'm making it more narrow, because I'm too much in love with All The Teamwork there to not single it out), but with sex ;). I'm sorry if I sounded too harsh - I am aware that you weren't referring to Damon and Elena having some teenage puppy love. I just had a need to natter about D/E, because it helps me convince myself that the finale won't be a total fuck-up. I'm glad you don't mind ;).

I think the only thing that will really cure him of that is actual death.And yet he manages to mock Stefan all the time (suggesting a gardenia? seriously, Damon? ;) ), snark "how romantic" when he has a chance, and when Elena practically jumps his bones in 3x19, he doesn't assume she did it out of love, and he doesn't mind. I mean, when Katherine came to him in 2x01, he stopped a very promising foreplay to ask if she loved him, and he actually said "fireworks and rocket's red glare", but when Elena openly ogles his bare chest in 3x19, he says "I don't want to live up to anyone's ( ... )


badboy_fangirl May 3 2012, 04:13:53 UTC
I honestly think Damon's mocking of Stefan is a self-mocking kind of thing. I mean, we have him saying "how romantic" about Elena letting Stefan drink her blood in 2x08, and then in 3x18, his fantasy is that she feeds him her blood to save his life. He's not going blindly into anything anymore, 'tis true, but that doesn't mean he doesn't still want it with his whole heart. Damon's a lover, and he loves with everything he is; to me it's a no brainer that he wants that in return, but he is pragmatic enough that he'd be happy if she just wanted him back.

I just want him to finally be loved as much as he loves. /Damon stan 4 life.


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