TVD 3x10

Jan 06, 2012 11:40

OMG, I missed the show so much I actually watched this episode with the hyper-positive attitude I haven't had since the season started (because I had this nagging feeling that after s2 being so awesome they're just bound to screw up, so I was constantly expecting them to screw up). And you know what? I don't care, I loved everything. So that we are clear:

Now, details:

1. Elena Gilbert is my queen, she is the light of my life, the fire of my loins and whatnot. We finally see her interacting with her family. We see her making tough choices, and going behind Damon's back (again!). Washing the blood from her porch - heartbreaking. Asking Damon to compel Jeremy - WHOA. I mean, so wrong on so many levels, but I can totally understand why she did it, and I can't say I wouldn't have done the same. Having a deal with Klaus - GO ELENA! Now I'm gonna go avoid fandom some more, because sure as hell Elena will be bashed for that, a lot, and I just... That's why I love this show - sure, they're a team, but at the same time everyone has a brain of his/her own, and they make individual choices if they really think they're right.

2. Damon and Stefan, aka the cat is out of the bag, again. I love how those people are incapable of keeping secrets, and how misunderstandings die faster than knights in Merlin. Now they all know why Stefan crossed them, and you know what? They're still angry at him! Isn't this marvellous? Also, brothers cooperating? BRING IT ON! I can't wait to see how it turns out! Have I mentioned how much I loved the fight they had?

3. Bonnie and Alaric were actually doing stuff. That's a step in a good direction, right? I mean, keep it up, and in the second half of the season they might even get storylines.

4. Dialogues are PURE GOLD. "Typical Sunday." "Typical... atypical family." Alaric, just take those two kids and be a badass family of vampire hunters. YOU ARE ALL SLAYERS, DAMON CAN BE YOUR SLAYERETTE!

5. The siring thing is actually getting... interesting? It's pretty subtle, and it sure as hell isn't simple. There is a lot about free will in this show, and Tyler is starting to fit in perfectly. He isn't a puppet, he is just... trusting to the point of stupidity? And he is aware of that, but not really? And, on top of all this mess, he is grateful? You've got my attention, show.

6. There was a Damon/Elena kiss, so soon, and I liked it? HOW IS IT EVEN REAL? I loved that Damon told Elena why Stefan went behind their backs. I loved that Damon was freaking out, and trying to back off, and just absolutely being a coward. Then he kissed her just impulsively, and now I bet he is having trouble deciding what's more fitting, facepalms or headdesks. He isn't getting the girl. It's not a beginning of a love story. It's just a pathetic, screwed up guy who's done something impusive and stupid. And I loved Elena's reaction. He surprised her, she didn't know how to behave, and she just stood there, not knowing what to do. She is attracted to him, she doesn't want him, he's done something unexpected, so she just froze. To sum up - I loved how awkward and unromantic this kiss was. Who wants to bet that next episode Damon is going to try to pretend that nothing happened? XD

7. Elena slaps Stefan, Damon is more and more integrated with the rest of the team, they all work together (saving Rick's life, plotting to help Jeremy and so on)... This narrative is going in an interesting direction! Everything is turning upside down \o/.

fandom: the vampire diaries

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