Saturday is a good day for spam

Dec 17, 2011 14:45

There may be a lot of spam happening this weekend - I finally have time to sort things out, finish my Secret Santa fic, answer all the things that's been piling up for three days and post all the things that's been piling up as well. So here goes a meme a took from dante-kent:

Give me a fandom, TV series, or book and I will answer the following...

Favourite character:
Least Favourite character:
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
A random thought:
An unpopular opinion:
Canon OTP:
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Favourite friendship:
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by:


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