30 Days of TVD - Day Seven + general fannishness

Nov 17, 2011 19:00

I was looking for something to do instead of studying, and I remembered that I still have the meme!

30 Days of TVD - Day Seven )

damon omg damon, fandom: the vampire diaries, meme, 30 days of tvd, english is not supposed to bite, jestem grafomanem

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ever_neutral November 18 2011, 03:18:49 UTC
Oh, but wait. I DO have a favorite scene that is about Damon himself; it's just weird to choose something like that for a favorite scene of a favorite character in the show. Well, I never claimed I liked him because he was such a nice person.

NO KIDDING THO. Dude. 90% of my favourite Damon scenes are ones in which he's being a reprehensible, abusive, unmitigated piece of shit. MY LOVE. {dozens of black hearts 'n' flowers}

(… No amount of therapy will fix my issues.)

Placing this scene so late, in the beginning of s2, after the whole you thought that I was worth saving build up in s1 was the most brilliant writing choice this show has ever made. If Damon wants to redeem himself, he has to do better than just fall in love with a nice girl and hope that this will save him, because, well, it won't.


I guess it was ever_neutral who said that there will be no Other-ing of abuse in this show?

YES YES YES. And Damon is the best fucking demonstration of this. You can kill him for it; he doesn't care. It was all him.

Also, your prompt fills have been amazing. Carry on.

Meme answers:
1) lol. Alaric. And Wesley. ;)
2) Well, I guess I ship you with Damon then. (Or Lilah or Faith.) PERISH THE THOUGHT.


upupa_epops November 18 2011, 05:52:49 UTC
90% of my favourite Damon scenes are ones in which he's being a reprehensible, abusive, unmitigated piece of shit. MY LOVE

Hey, I also like scenes when he is a victim! And his awesome scenes with Stefan are almost nice! Maybe there is hope for me?

Who am I kidding...

(… No amount of therapy will fix my issues.)

LOL, this is what I thought when I filled the "absolute creep" prompt. I looked at the fic and I was all: "Ok, if I ever have anything to do with a shrink of any sort, and he finds it, I'm screwed...".

And Damon is the best fucking demonstration of this. You can kill him for it; he doesn't care. It was all him.

Of course it was. Nobody is allowed to feel his guilt.

Also, your prompt fills have been amazing. Carry on.

Thank you :D. Your prompts are incredible, btw. I don't know how you do it.

It's FUN to be Alaric, ok? And Wesley! I have all the books, man! And Damon. And Lilah. And Faith. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM


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