30 Days of TVD - Day Six + random stuff

Nov 14, 2011 00:50

Yesterday meme was postponed due to Damon being a drama queen. Tonight nobody put me up to anything insane, so here I go.

Day 6 - Your least favorite episode

Ok, I have to choose something, so I choose Pilot. Well, TVD didn't get the best start in the history of American television, and the following three or four episodes weren't much better (remember the fog and the crow? XDDDDD), but I have some scenes I'm really fond of in 1x02-1x05, and I don't remember any scene like that from 1x01. Then there is the lack of title, and the fact that Paul Wesley should NEVER AGAIN cut his hair that short.

To sum up:

Other things: I finally managed to change my lj layout! I've been looking for one for ages, and I chose one, but some things had to be adjusted in the code, so I started procastinating... And, logically, today I just had a whim, I found a completely different layout, and here it is :D. Now I just have to update my fanfic masterlist, make a meta masterlist, and organize my tags in a way that makes them navigable for people who aren't me...

fandom: the vampire diaries, meme, omg mam eldżeja, 30 days of tvd, english is not supposed to bite

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