Icon meme

Nov 06, 2011 23:11

1. Reply to this post with "SOMETHING WITTY HERE," and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Chosen by softly-me:


This is one of my favorite Spuffy scenes, and it breaks my heart every time I watch it. It shows how much Spike lives inside his own head, and his imagination is killing him. It's also one of the few scenes in which Spike's empathy fails him: he doesn't even notice that Buffy doesn't expect any sort of apology from him.


Awwwwww, Jack/Ianto, my very first slash otp :). mlekopijca told me to watch Torchwood (and I didn't want to, because the first episode of Doctor Who made me o_O), and then we went to Cardiff with akinnore and corvi-penna. So, basically, Jack/Ianto for me is not only a ship, but also the best holidays of my life, and when I watch Torchwood or write Jack/Ianto (I don't do it very often, but it happens sometimes), I'm always focused on places, and the accent, and all that Wales-related stuff. I loved this place so much I'm going to apply for an Erasmus scholarship in Wales. I guess we could say that I started shipping Jack/Ianto so hard because Cardiff was so awesome that I couldn't resist.


Jenna/Alaric, The Ship That Never Happened The Way I Wanted It To Happen. Because Jenna was this awesome, wild, impulsive girl who felt obliged to be a role model, so she kept herself in check. But with Alaric she didn't have to keep herself in check, right? So I was waiting for them to get past the honeymoon phase, so that all her bad experience with men could start showing, I was waiting for her to just get bored with a stable, "adult" relationship with Alaric, do something stupid, and then deal with it. But instead of Jenna dealing with her own issues, I got the show called Aunt Jenna Doesn't Know. I loved every bit of her reaction, and how he just refused to accept Ric's lies, but I was waiting for this relationship to finally be about Jenna. And then I was waiting for Jenna to start staking vampires, be friends with Caroline and do loads of amazing ass-kicking.


Angelus/Darla are best in historical costumes :D. This ship was as rich, sensual and carnal as Darla's dresses. I love that they are so down to Earth, all flesh and blood, and hunger, and pleasure. Even though I think that out of the entire Fanged Four Angelus had the weakest flashbacks, this ship is worth every bit of attention because of Darla. She is so deliciously baroque :D.


I never was a great fan of BSG, but this is probably my favorite episode. All the fights, and unresolved tensions, and Kara being awesome. One of the few things that really moved me in this show.

fandom: the vampire diaries, meme, fandom: torchwood, fandom: bsg, fandom: buffyverse

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