It's All About Brothers

Nov 05, 2011 12:10

This is a spontanous Salvatore meta. It combines the thoughts I had while re-watching season one, all sorts of random TVD observations and my flailing all over 3x08. Since I just HAVE TO do this, and I have very little time (unexpected family problems that will consume most of my free time at least till Tuesday), unfortunately I can't fiddle with ( Read more... )

meta, ostateczne upodlenie, ja pierdolę, majtki przez głowę, yay, damon omg damon, fandom: the vampire diaries, too many emotions, brb dying, english is not supposed to bite

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upupa_epops November 5 2011, 18:35:17 UTC
I think it started with his father, who wanted his younger son to be the good catholic boy he wouldn't be ashamed of (totally head!canon? I'm not sure).

Totally head!canon, but I like your head!canon better than I like canon!

Damon made this mistake, too. Multiple times. But you are right that he finally got it. Stefan is his brother, he doesn;t have to be anything else.

Good point. I think Damon might actually have a case of "Nobody But Me Can Hit My Brother": as long as he was abusing Stefan, he didn't care, but when he saw what Klaus did, and he saw the consequences...


goldy_dollar November 5 2011, 16:45:11 UTC

I'm still kind of torn on this but I LOVE all the meta and discussion that has come out of the last few days so <33.

And this is why it will be Damon who saves Stefan: because he just wants to save Stefan, and he brings no adittional meaning into it. He doesn't want to save any ideas (like: romantic love, abstract goodness etc); he wants to save the only thing that holds his identity together. I like this. One of the interesting explorations this season has been who the "real" Stefan is - Elena thinks in terms of Real Stefan vs. Switched!Stefan (not who he really is) so she does have a certain expectation of who Stefan needs to be. Damon, in contrast, fully accepted ripper!Stefan as the "real" Stefan since the beginning. He doesn't need Stefan to stop killing people or be the "good" brother so much as he wants Stefan to be free of Klaus/not to give up, etc. Actually, Damon would probably be delighted if Stefan learned how to control the bloodlust and they could go out feeding ( ... )


upupa_epops November 5 2011, 18:29:10 UTC

Oh, no problem, now Damon and I can clean them again together :P.

ON THE OTHER HAND THOUGH, I could definitely go for fewer girls being compelled as blood buffets as part of Damon's plan to save Stefan's soul. :|

So true, unluckily :(. I mean, they are vampires, I get that they have to eat people, but I'd really aprreciate it if they were eating, you know, EVERYBODY, not just the pretty girls. Fail, show.

Actually, Damon would probably be delighted if Stefan learned how to control the bloodlust and they could go out feeding and drinking together all the time lol. HE WOULD PROBABLY EVEN ENJOY THE BROTHERLY FIST-FIGHTS.

Well, of course he would! Damon might have FEELINGS and existential crisis, and everything, but he's still a hedonist ;).


ever_neutral November 6 2011, 03:07:51 UTC

Screw You, Epic Romance -- Haha, but the Salvatores ARE the Epic Romance? XDDDD

When it comes to self-identification, Stefan and Damon Salvatore define themselves primary as brothers. -- YES. GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS.

I just. Everything you say about that is amazing and true and I want to hug your words.

When Stefan forced Damon to turn, he didn't do it because they had a unique, undying bond or anything. He did it, because he was just a kid, he lost everything overnight, and it scared the shit out of him -- Huh. Interesting. I kinda think they DID have a really special bond as humans. After their mother died, all they had pretty much was each other ('cause their dad was rubbish at supporting either of them). But IA that their bond wouldn't be as HUGE as it is if not for Stefan forcing Damon.

That's why I love the Salvatore boys so much - they don't try to claim that there always is a wonderful, unbreakable bond between siblings. -- Great point. Clearly they are the most important people to each other, ( ... )


upupa_epops November 6 2011, 10:01:14 UTC
THIS GIF! My precious boys are so precious! *starry eyes*

I kinda think they DID have a really special bond as humans. After their mother died, all they had pretty much was each other ('cause their dad was rubbish at supporting either of them). But IA that their bond wouldn't be as HUGE as it is if not for Stefan forcing Damon.

This is what I meant. Of course they were close (Stefan says that they were the best of friends), otherwise Stefan wouldn't be so desperate to turn his brother. But it's a completely different level now.

Fic NEEDS to be written.

We need to prompt it in the upcoming comment ficathon :D.

What the brothers have--it goes beyond hope, beyond happiness, beyond redemption. If that's not unconditional love, I don't know what is.

You are a wise person! *nods*

God, I need to stop staring at this gif...


upupa_epops November 12 2011, 12:33:25 UTC
although I think Ian would totally support the idea of Damon adopting a puppy -- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A++++++. Fic NEEDS to be written.

LOOOOOOL, I prompted it, and someone has actually WRITTEN THE FIC! I love this fandom!


ever_neutral November 12 2011, 23:07:10 UTC



fuel_for_flight November 7 2011, 00:59:51 UTC
This is awesomeness. I give you pie.

And this is why it will be Damon who saves Stefan: because he just wants to save Stefan, and he brings no additional meaning into it. He doesn't want to save any ideas (like: romantic love, abstract goodness etc); he wants to save the only thing that holds his identity together.

THIS. It’s interesting, though, and definitely worth noting, that Damon thinks that Stefan being happy does involve a degree of “goodness.” Or self-control, anyway. Damon doesn’t need to redeem his brother, maybe, but he understands that unless Stefan learns self-control and balance and self-acceptance, Damon isn’t going to have the brother he needs. For whatever reason, Damon’s identity doesn’t simply depend on Stefan-continued existence, but also on Stefan’s well-being. Otherwise, what would be the point of “saving” him? All he’d have to do is make sure his brother doesn’t die.
He wants to make Stefan's life easier, and he is not even sorry if your tone implies that he should care about collateral damage.HA. Love it ( ... )


upupa_epops November 7 2011, 01:13:20 UTC
Pie accepted gladly! And welcome, I think I haven't seen you here before :).

Good point about Damon needing Stefan not just alive, but also in good shape. He can't just let him rot in the cell, can he?

It’s weird, but the collateral damage doesn’t bother me all that much. I mean, it does, but these are vampires---collateral damage is kind of a thing with vampires. I’ve made my peace with the fact that these are basically bad people. I’m okay with it. I like them anyway. And I wonder---if it bothers people so much, why do they watch a show about mythical creatures that need to murder to survive?It does bother me that they vampires just "accidentally" keep killing mostly pretty, young girls, but other than that? TVD is not a show about heroes, the characters are just people who happened to get involved into something bigger than themselves, and now they try to cope. They are so selfish, they protect their own, and they never see the bigger picture. This is what I love about this show. Because, honestly? If my (hypothetical) brother ( ... )


fuel_for_flight November 7 2011, 01:45:36 UTC
And welcome, I think I haven't seen you here before :).

Yay! I was just creeping through some flists and I saw this posy and was all like OMG MUST COMMENT.

It does bother me that they vampires just "accidentally" keep killing mostly pretty, young girls.

Yeah, that it is pretty bothersome. But I guess vampires prefer to feed on people they find attractive? Though, you know, me, I’d probably prefer to feed on the people I DISLIKE, but oh well.

TVD is not a show about heroes, the characters are just people who happened to get involved into something bigger than themselves, and now they try to cope. YES. AGREED. Of course Damon is horrible. Of course all vampires are horrible on some level. How could they not be? They’re vampires. They need to eat people, and it does no good to be nice to the cow before you eat the burger, I guess ( ... )


upupa_epops November 7 2011, 02:49:11 UTC
I was just creeping through some flists and I saw this posy and was all like OMG MUST COMMENT.

I'm glad you did :).

And it of course sucks, and they probably had no idea just how much vampirism would suck before they signed up for it, but what can they do now?

I think Damon had quite a fair idea, and he wanted to do it anyway ;). Well, he is not the smartest person in the world.

They’d probably even share Elena, really. I mean, after mass murder, it doesn’t even rank. Polyamorous arrangement? Make it happen, show.

I don't think a polyamorous arrangement here should be considered in terms of good and evil. I guess it's more of what they would feel comfortable with. There are so many issues here (first of all, Elena and Stefan from the very beginning were shaping their relationship as an epic romance, and in order to get into a threesome, they'd have to re-evaluate their entire relationship), and I'd love to see those issues play out on screen. Right now we have some very interesting dynamics, and I'm enjoying it very much :D.


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