It seems like lately I've been spending most of my TVD discussing time speculating about things I want to happen. So I figured I need a separate Wishful Thinking Post, because right now I mix up my wishes with my observations, and sometimes it turnes out that I'm talking gibberish ;).
The things I want to see on TVD in the future:
1. There is no switch. Well, there is, but it only works for young vampires. Rose's explanation was perfect for me, but, somehow, the show isn't sticking to it. And I think that vampires would be much more interesting if each and every one of them simply discovered at some point that he/she suddenly feels again. Of course for some of them it wouldn't change a thing (people don't have a comfortable switch on their emotions, and yet some of us do unspeakable things), but for some it woud just make such a wonderful mess!
2. Compulsion is not a perfect tool. I'm not really interested in a fact that it can be fought, but I do think it should turn out that it doesn't work that well when it comes to things that are a part of normal human experience. So Jeremy still is sad because of Vicky, and Elena has some shadow of a memory of Damon telling her he loves her, and Stefan still loves Elena. I'm not talking about some huge revelations, just about those things from the back of your head and the corner of your eye; I don't want compulsion to go completely wrong, I just want it to go not as perfectly well as it usually does.
3. Dark!Stefan gets darker. I want him to do something horrible to Elena (right now he's just being creepy), or to use the knowledge he has about Damon to hurt him somehow. I want there to be no excuse to him. And I want him to do all those horrible things and still love Elena, because being a monster doesn't make you incapable of love, and, logically, the ability to love doesn't make you a good person. Monsters can love, and it doesn't make them any less of a moster.
4. I really want Elena to face what's worst about her. I want her to do something horrible (no, sleeping with Damon doesn't count; I actually believe that if she ever sleeps with him, she'll do it after the mentioned Something Horrible, not before). I want her to feel that she has no high moral ground over Stefan or Damon (ok, she obviously has, but it's not about the actual degrees of evil, but about the degrees of evil that work in her brain). I want her to be manipulative. I want her to start losing her faith in people.
5. I want Tyler to get out of this siring-hybrid nonsense. Seriously, in this show vampires get to choose whether or not they want to turn. This show should be entirely about making choices and handling the consequences. Tyler should have a free will-driven storyline, just like Stefan should.
6. Dear writers, while you're bringing all the ghosts back, could you please bring Jenna as well?
7. I want Damon to dress up like a housemaid, and run around the house with a feather duster, and... I'd better shut up.
There probably are more wishes, but I'm so sleepy right now I can't remember them. Well, they'll probably come up in a discussion anyway.
And how about your TVD wishes? Please, don't feel obliged to be realistic; we're totally talking about the world of fancy and no idea shall be scolded with a "This Is Not Gonna Happen" frown ;). So what do you want to see on TVD in the future?