
Jun 09, 2004 09:08

so Mary and I found out some disturbing information about my apartment building that makes my skin crawl. Last night we went to the laundromat around the corner in order to do a gang of laundry. we got hungry, so mary went to the Korean BBQ place right next door to get some food and ran into a girl that used to be in her english class that happens to live in my apartment complex. They got to talking, and of course discussed our building. ::::: Side Note: Approximately 2 months ago for a period of about 2 weeks the entranceway in our building smelled absolutely putrid, like hundreds of rotten eggs, or what I thought...that a raccoon or something climbed in the garbage disposal and died and now was rotting. After like 2 weeks of the smell my landlord finally came to try to take care of it, he knocked on my door since I live in the basement and he thought it could be coming from my apartment, so I told him it wasn't in my apartment (I wouldn't be able to fucking function if it was, I'd be incapacitated by the foulest odor ever). So I figured that that day they found the problem, they started burning sage in the entranceway and opened both of the doors for like a day and a half. They must have got that raccoon or those rotten eggs or whatever. Whew! I was relieved, I didn't have to smell that shit anymore....:::::::: so they're talking about the building, Anne said that when she came home after being gone for a while she smelled that and Mary asked if she knew what it was. Anne was surprised that mary didn't know about the origin of the smell. So she goes on to tell mary about the woman who lived right above me, and by above me, I mean DIRECTLY above me. I mean her bedroom and bed were directly above mine, her kitchen directly above my kitchen, her bathroom, well you get the point... Apparently the woman who lived above me was kinda crazy and a recluse, etc. So to get to the point, the foulest odor that I had ever smelled was the decaying, detritus, corroded, rotting corpse of the woman who live(d) above me. She had committed suicide, had no family or friends, so her corpse wasn't found until probably that day I saw my landlord there. Here's what's so creepy to me: I was probably in my room listening to music or watching cartoons or smoking a bowl right beneath her as she killed herself directly above me. I mean my roof is only like 7'6" (basement standard), figure that the roof/floor is about 2 feet thick and her bed is 3 feet off the ground. I'm 5'8" so I have 1'10" between my roof and my head, plus 2 feet of floor so 3'10", plus a 3' bed, meaning I was about 7' away from her rotting carcass for 2 weeks. I slept in a bed everynight for two weeks, with her rotting flesh right over me. Creepazoids dude. Now they are renovating the whole apartment. I thought the person had just moved out, guess not. They put all her shit on the street right in front of my window about 2 weeks ago now, Bexie and Aron took some of her books ("How to Make love to A Man," "How to make a woman orgasm" and some book about drugs). They didn't know anything when they took them, they just thought they were funny and the person moving out was weird (she had highlighted a bunch of shit in the sex books). BUt now we have some of her possessions in our apartment, meaning she can haunt us. But what's worse is that the mattress that I knew was from the apartment above me, that got shoved in my patio space about two weeks ago...the one that everybody touched. Yeah, that was hers. Those stains on it, which I half-jokingly thought were blood stains, probably are. Her rotting corpse was more than likely laying on that for two weeks right above my head. mere feet from me. decaying....detritus...decreepazoids....
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