Yes already 2 hours into the game and we have our first affliciate:
Prongs: I cant believe you made us do that...
Padfoot: -shudders- connections with Snivellus...
Moony: He's actually a nice guy if you come down to it, you just give him a hard time...
Prongs: He poisoned my dear LILY!
Moony: That's youre own fault...
Me: Yeah, I told you that potion wasnt really, whats wrong with you, ADD?
Prongs: Huh?
Me: 'Nough said...
Me: Anyways... thank you for having us as an affliciate even though they gave you so much pain...
Padfoot: Word of advice, take a shower...
Moony: Now now...
Padfoot: Dont 'now now' me... youre not Professor Flitwick... nor a Professor at all...
Me: -coughs-
Moony: Excuse you...
Me: -giggles- Thank you...