Jun 01, 2004 19:23
i am supposed to be studying.....
*~Y o u*~*
1) Single or taken: SINGLE and lovin it
2) Your Age: 15
3) Birthday: april 20 1989 Hitler's bday too!
4) Siblings: Molly
5) Hair color: umm dirty dishwasher blonde...actually maybe a carmel.?
6) Eye color: BLUE!
7) Shoe size: 9 -9 1/2 depends on the maker
8.) Full name: Melissa Lynn Slough
9) What do you want to be when you grow up?: umm something in design...interior fashion. OR a perosnal assitant/shopper or Buyer for major retailers
*~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*
1) Who are your best friends?: emily, darby, elly, prolly brittany, and caroline is a close friend but i odn't know her that well.. bout it
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:NOPE
3)Did you send this to your crush?:I didn't send it to anyone, its on a lj?
4)Whats the first letter of your crush's name: ummmm i dono if a have a crush...nvm BRAD :)
-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*
1) Where is your favorite place to shop?: :) hollister, Abercrombie, express when i get to shop there.
2) Any tattoos or piercings and if so how many?: just my ears!
*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*
1) Do you do drugs: nope
2) What kind of shampoo do you use: Garnier Fructics or sheer blonde 3) What are you most scared of: umm falling from a high place, public speaking...boys :)
4)What are you listening to right now: MAROON 5!
5)What car do you wish to have: umm any car is fine as long as it is running
6)who was the last person that you called: ummm couldn't tell ya. O ACTUALLY zach's new cell phone in bio chem
7) Where do you want to get married?: umm in a church...or in a backyard of somewhere
1) Color: PINK... LIME GREEN
2) Food: potatoes...too bad i don't know how to spell it OR pineapple
3) Boy's names: Brighten....or Bradley
4) Girls names: Angelina
5) Subjects in school?: German! o yeah just cause i am sorta good at it but Frau can get on my nerves.
6) Animal: cats...penguin....llama :)
7) Sports: volleyball and for guys lacross...i just watched the natonial champinship on TV yesterday and it was tght...very rougH!
-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*
(1) Given anyone a bath: sure
2) Smoked: no
3) Bungee jumped: well technically no...but i did do that one thing at six flages where you are lifted up really high and then you drop.
4) Broken the law?: well yeah...it isn't that hard
5) Made yourself throw-up: nope
7) Ever been in love: nope
-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o N s *-;-
1) Pizza or chocolate: O no question CHOCOLATE
2) How many people are you sending this to? NO ONE!
3) Who will send it back: NO ONE
4) What is the last film you saw at the cinema? can't even remember feels like years!