Team X!Verse - Jamie Madrox Information

Nov 05, 2009 08:33

Name: Jamie Madrox
Alias: Multiple Man
Verse/Version: He's so AU
Powers (if any): Self-duplication. This comes with a mild telepathic-empathic link to all his Dupes. He also retains the memories of the Dupes upon reabsorbing the other hims. For a better explanation, please read here.
Personality: Jamie considers himself the original prankster, to be honest. He acts out, can be a bit loud and a show off. And a douche-bag. He's sarcastic, intelligent and while he makes friends easily, it's sort of hard to tell if he's loyal or not. He's very self-serving and self-reliant. At the same time, he knows when he's up a creek without a paddle and knows how to work through that accordingly.
Brief Bio:
Jamie Madrox was born to a family living near the Los Alamos research facility in New Mexico; the background radiation may have stimulated his mutation. When Jamie was born, the doctor's slap caused him to multiply into two identical babies, which shocked his parents and the doctor. Professor Charles Xavier, a friend of the Madrox family, suggested that they move to Kansas to raise the boy in privacy. Dr. Daniel Madrox, Jamie's father, created a suit for him to wear which was designed to absorb kinetic energy, the source of the duplication.

Later, Damian Tryp, of Singularity Investigations, made his own offer to look after Jamie, claiming that Jamie is not a mutant, but a "changeling", a predecessor to mutants who develops its powers at birth. Jamie's parents refused to give Jamie to Tryp. At fifteen years old, Madrox's parents were killed by a tornado alleged to have been caused by Tryp.

This is where his history goes AU. Shortly after the death of his parents, Jamie took over maintaining the family farm. This was easy to do with his ability and for a while he was quite successful. He managed to go to school, take several classes in various forms of self defense and martial arts and was happy where he was.

And then the family farm began running into financial trouble. This pushed Jamie into smalltime theft and eventually he moved to bigger and bigger projects. At age 20, four days before his 21st birthday, Jamie was caught robbing seven banks at one time.

Stryker gave him a deal; Work with him or serve a prison sentence, 20 to 30 years per bank.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome James Arthur Madrox AKA Multiple Man to the team

Skills: Capoiera, Parkour Krav Maga.
Played By: Jorma Taccone
Other Character Notes: He's open for any plots except romance plots so don't even ask. No sexxors. No thank you. Run along, now.

(Information partially copied from wikipedia.)

verse information, team x!verse

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