Nov 09, 2005 15:49
So, here I am, and I'm bored, and I haven't updated in a while. Emotionally I am in no fit state to update now, but I will promise to do so soon, once all this shit I am catching blows over. If you want to know what happened I'll email you if you let me know. But anyway, some people have been saying some funny shit recently, and I thought I might put a little of it down. Just a bit. Just to let you all know that I'm still here and still alive. ♥
sassbucket05: why are john and eric and luke your 3 mexicans?
sassbucket05: john's colombian
sassbucket05: i'm guatemala
sassbucket05: i'm closer to mexico
vegashotrod 505: you're white
sassbucket05: bull shit
vegashotrod 505: lol
sassbucket05: i am so not
vegashotrod 505: you're white
vegashotrod 505: so shut it
sassbucket05: i might have a white girls ass
sassbucket05: but i can shake it like a mexican
sassbucket05: and I was like, "wow. i made suuuuuuch a better quailman than you. jerkbutt."
vegashotrod 505: lol
sassbucket05: HOLY CRAP!
vegashotrod 505: ????
sassbucket05: I did make a better Quailman! I'm comparing the pictures!
sassbucket05: anthony, we need to find me a nice good guy
sassbucket05: one that won't be a douche.
sassbucket05: so i'm putting you in charge of that
vegashotrod 505: for you?
sassbucket05: no, for you. yes for me!
sassbucket05: and i'll get you a super nice, hot girl
sassbucket05: i want a sidekick for christmas
TheRealSidShady: a sidekick? like robin is to batman sidekick?
TheRealSidShady: cause that's like slavery or something
Just something small to brighten your day. Or make you say "what the hell is that girl smoking?"