I have a couple favours to ask from you guys. First of all, please
VOTE FOR SEAN! He's the one in the red shirt. I don't really watch Much Music anymore, but I do watch enough to know that I think all the current VJs are tools, and we need someone fabulous like Sean to bring some life into that place. Plus all the other people in the running to be a VJ SUCK! So get on that please!
Another thing..
Would you like to win a $10 iTunes gift certificate? How about a $5 Amazon one? Or you know, a months paid account for LJ? Right about now you're asking yourself HOW THE HELL DO I DO THAT? Simple my friend..
YOU JOIN THE NEW AND IMPROVED TB!You post, you recruit some friends, they post and you win! Sound hard? WELL IT'S NOT SO STFU!
Details here! Plus you should just join because it's awesome.
elation and I have put our sweat and blood into that place (srsly, if you look closely you can see splatters of sweat and blood on some of the threads) and we want to know we did all that work for something.
eSEX for whoever does both!