Another Steam-Powered Post, and Catherynne Valente

Nov 01, 2010 14:59

My apologies once again for everyone who is seeing this twice. I just want the Monday Crowd What Wasn't Around Because of Weekend and Halloween and World Fantasy to not miss this post about preorders for Steam-Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories.The TOC, which includes N.K. Jemisin, Shweta Narayan, Amal El-Mohtar, Teresa Wymore, Mikki Kendall, Mike Allan, Georgina Bruce, Beth Wodzinski (editor of Shimmer Zine), Shira Lipkin and Meredith Holmes can be found here in case you've not yet seen it.

To recap: The book's going to be $13.95 and can be ordered either through Torquere Press' book store until Nov. 3 (I'll see if I can get to stay up longer) or through me at upstart dott crow @ gmail dott com until Thanksgiving, if you want a signed copy. I'd said Nov. 10 initially, but after realizing that wasn't a huge window, I'm extending the date. If you preorder before then either through me or by showing me your receipt from Torquere, you'll get a postcard with one of four pieces of artwork and an excerpt from one of four stories in the book on the obverse side, as well as a spiffy bookmark with a gear on the tassel. Buy four for yourself and your loved ones, and I'll give you a set of all four postcards, four bookmarks, and a nifty surprise--which is something I forgot to mention on Saturday thanks to It Being The Weekend.

If you're in the US or Canada, shipping if you order from me is $4 unless you want media mail shipping, which'll be $2. If you're in another country, email me and we'll figure it out.

And this'll be the last I'll write about it for awhile, promise. As an added incentive, especially for those of you who aren't able to buy the book now, if you blog, Tweet or Facebook (is that a verb now?) this post or the one on Saturday, you'll be automatically entered in a drawing for one of two copies of the book, as well as all four story postcards, four bookmarks and one of two handmade jewelry sets made by me (earrings, bracelets and a necklace), one of which will represent Beth Wodzinski's story, the other of which will represent Amal El-Mohtar's story. Just leave a link here and you'll be entered (NOTE: Those of you who blogged about Saturday's post, don't worry! You're entered already :). But if you did so off of LJ or on Twitter where LJ Pingback can't find you, PLEASE leave the link here so I know who you are!.


Today is also the day that Catherynne M. Valente's Prester John novel, The Habitation of the Blessed is released. Please do all that you can to support another awesome author by checking out this post of hers, which also has nifty giveaways. I've liked Cat's work since 2004, and I really want to see this book do well, folks.

Why am I putting these two things together instead of making two separate posts? Because Habitation and Steam-Powered are two unusual books that, because of a non-linear plot and ornate language in Cat's case, and queerness in Steam-Powered's case, and a focus on characters of color in both cases, may not get the attention they deserve--as, after all, there is a huge bias in favor of straightforward tales about straight, white* protagonists out there.

In other words, we both need all the help we can get to get the word out. So, please help us spread the word!

* Not that Steam-Powered doesn't have white characters; its protagonists are just predominantly women of color and Jewish women.

other people's books, steam-powered: lesbian steampunk stories, contests for shinies

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