Mar 30, 2008 23:33
Has it occurred to anyone that our parents generation sold us out?
I was riding as a passenger in a car tonight for the first time in a long time and it dawned on me that as we left the quiet,fabricated, false security/reality of my suburban neighborhood, one much like everyone else's quiet, fabricated, illusion of a neighborhood, we were suddenly swallowed into an abyss of zombified/gentrified desolation that is the town center of bowie. Much like the town center in Silver SpRUNG, and the new town center in Wheaton. A town center not quite as grand and extraveggant as the town center in Bethesda or Rockville or as ASTRONOMICAL as the Arundel Mills Valley/Desert Shopping Paradise. A town center very similar in layout to all of these town centers but with its own quirks and imperfections, proof as it were, that it is still the Bowie Town Center,that it was put there by a lax in zoning enforcement by a mysterious towering economic force and then presented to the citizenry as a gift. The gift of convenience. A chance to own so many shiny, extrravegant, almost unobtainable possessions, with a credit office or two positioned strategically at either side and within the epicenter. Credit, another gift from the top floor analysts and economists. A way to seemingly bloat the economy and create the illusion of wealth, all the while enslaving us with the debt it creates. The biproduct of these gifts is slavery. Or perhaps, a nicer word would be endentured servitude and a still nicer word would be Americans.
And our parents let it happen. They had the chance to change it, but they just sat back and watched it happen and hid behind their hippie story image.