Jun 05, 2008 16:16
Had a cold the past few days... had to slow down, sleep more, drink less, heh heh.
Alcohol update: Finally enjoying beer; Mexican beer, that is. More like lagers than beer. Ok, so I guess I'm a wimp when it comes to beer, but I still enjoy the harder drinks. Hennessey cognac is really satisfying - I bought a fifth of it in February and I still have some left. Wine is good, but less satisfying somehow. I'm getting bored of bourbon; I should try more scotches. Surely there's a scotch out there that I'll like. And sake. Cold, sparkling sake. Yoshimatsu has some that I haven't bothered to try yet... And I've still got my eyes on Chopin vodka. UA liquors has a fifth for $35 - seems a bit overpriced, but probably not by much.
Very strange dreams lately; friends and family. My usual dreams never include people I know. I had another very destructive nightmare: I watched someone running around doing very bad things, only to realize later that it was me, and I couldn't stop myself.
Well, I'm almost back to my usual health. Don't eat spicy food if you can't smell: I almost coughed to death yesterday after I accidentally inhaled horseradish. Funny; I was just talking to someone the other day about how funny it is to listen to someone coughing to death. Better you than me, right?
I love being unemployed; free time is temporal gold. Yet, somehow, I always manage to make money: One of my old scholarship contact persons emailed me the other day to ask if she can give me money in August. Can she?!?!? I hope she can! She certainly may; glory to God... I told her I wasn't going to be a student at that point, to which she replied "that's ok; we'll just call this money 'summer scholar expenses reimbursement'" Sounds good to me. And then I'll live in LA for free for up to a year. Yippee.
...merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream...