Aug 05, 2007 13:59
this poem i wrote from a prompt in all_unwritten, and am surprised by how it unfolded. it never ceases to amaze me how many different phrases, thoughts, objects can awaken something inside. i am reminded of how much time and effort i have put into reinventing ME after i lost myself on the whim of another's demands...
i saw it all
in a shard of glass.
long ago...
my torrid heart
with blood anew,
shed tears
sated with salt and memories.
and i saw it there,
in a shard of glass.
or is it ice?
i can't be sure.
as i reach
for the piece;
my tangible past...
i recoil and look to the sky.
ah, and i sigh
as i sum
all the years
and the tears
and the blood-stained
burdened with this glass,
this forgotten evidence,
i can not stifle
my cry;
my scream.
the shard is now blurry;
now exquisite and pure.
so i reach
for the piece;
my tangible past...