you must not know my name

Jan 10, 2010 19:14


THIS is my monkey photo otherwise known as HUIRAN'S TAKE GUUD FOTO? I am so tempted to crop this and use it as one of my LJ userpics because - unlike someone, I actually do quality control. Ahem! :D Quality control means NOT UPLOADING UGLY PICTURES OF YOURSELF ONTO LJ and using them as userpics.

Anyway jingyi chiew you know who i talk about rightzx.

Yesterday I dissected a pig kidney! yay.

I locked this post and then unlocked it which - actually you're right, it's a pretty cowardly thing to do, but I'm scared of a lot of things (what other people think is not one of them though). Anyway it's because I'm trying to be upfront and tolerant and plus it was mean and unprovoked? 

hee hee hee

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