May 30, 2008 13:33
So I bought a home recently. Well, specifically speaking, I purchased a house. After five or six weeks of looking I eventually settled on a place that probably would have fetched a much higher price were the economy not ailing, so I'm fairly pleased with my purchase (even though the home's value is $11,000 less than what I paid). Anyway, boring details aside, here is a quick list of home-related firsts that I wanted to share.
-On the second day of possession I urinated into the toilet. It was a strange feeling because I felt like I was peeing in somebody else's bathroom. Subsequent urinations have since eradicated those creepy feelings.
-Within the first hour after closing I moved in my first piece of furniture. Well, art actually. It's an old painting taken from my great-grandmother's home that has been hanging in my bedroom since, well, forever. I checked the internet: it's not worth anything.
-I mowed the lawn for the first time last week. Almost ran over a garter snake.
-Received my first piece of mail: something from my insurance company. I was hoping for a Hustler, but no such luck.
-Twenty-eight days after I officially became the owner of the house, I went number two for the first time. Details about this feat will not be forthcoming.
-I met my first neighbor towards the end of the first week. Retired couple with a really nice backyard. "Don't be afraid to ask to borrow something. If I don't have it then you don't need it." He's a golfer, so give him a break.
-First piece of thrash that I threw away: used bug bomb canister
-First item in my refrigerator: 1 quart of Blue Bunny Lemonade.
-First bill: electric. $28.07.
-First major appliance purchased: New front-loading washer.
-First piece of new furniture purchased: leather couch with matching chair and ottoman.
-First significant problem with the house: shower drains exceptionally slowly.
I'm sure there are other firsts that I've already forgotten, but that does not concern me greatly. Maybe I'll include some more when I make my "house-related fifths" post next month.
Also, I'm still sleeping at my parent's house. Thirty days after the purchase and I'm still living at home. I'll leave it up to your imagination to figure out why.