My first 101 in 1001 list can be found
here. It's technically supposed to end on January 19, 2008, but I decided to start my new list early, as I think I only accomplished one goal from that list within the past year. I noticed at the beginning of the time from that list I was getting a lot accomplished and then during the course of time many of my goals changed. And I had quite a few that were so lofty I pretty much knew at the beginning I wouldn't be able to accomplish them within the time frame. Some of the goals from the first list that I still want to accomplish and didn't have been carried over to this list. I think more of the goals on this new list are reasonable to accomplish. I completed about a third of the first list; hopefully I'll do better this time.
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
I'll cross them off as I do them, and add the dates.
Begin: January 1, 2008
End: September 28, 2010
1. have a dance-off
2. create a resume type website
3. start running at least twice a week
4. take yoga or martial arts classes
5. have sex outside in the rain
6. regularly carry my own shopping bags
7. request minimal and/or recycled packaging when ordering online
8. get my online store up & running
9. learn archery
10. have $10,000 in savings
11. make a lamp
12. swim with dolphins - January 27, 2009
13. get trademarks
14. go to Key West
15. donate 5% of business income to charity
16. own a home
17. go on a roadtrip with no predetermined destination
18. get my cowboy boots resoled - October 2008
19. skydive - August 2, 2008
20. switch my credit card to a socially responsible or charitable one - March 2008
21. buy a hybrid
22. start an IRA
23. switch my banking/checking account - opened Electric Orange account for personal checking - January 2008 - closed old account - May 2008
24. get my sleeve tattoo done
25. have tasteful nude portraits done
26. take a train trip
27. go line dancing
28. read the complete works of William Shakespeare, including all sonnets and poems
29. get lock cut off & bicycle back in a ridable condition
30. start riding my bicycle to work at least once a week
31. cross off at least 75 movies on my movies-to-see list
32. take a sewing class to learn more advanced techniques
33. learn how to use my serger
34. go through a toll bridge and pay for myself plus four cars behind me
35. have a picnic on the beach
36. make mixed cds for Natasha - June 1, 2008
37. help Natasha create her own 101 in 1001 list
38. do volunteer work with Natasha
39. do volunteer work in another country
40. hike in a national park
41. go to the dentist - November 11, 2008
42. win a costume contest
43. take an Alaskan cruise
44. fly in a hot air balloon
45. see David Bowie in concert
46. kiss a cowboy
47. visit Avery Island
48. learn how to make either pottery or fused glass
49. get back on birth control - June 2008
50. take a drawing class
51. order new business cards - printed on recycled paper
52. donate at least $200 to a single charity - donated $100 to The Green Project - January 2008
53. get health insurance - March 2008
54. leave inspirational messages in public bathrooms
55. sing karaoke at the Cat’s Meow
56. make a weatherproof banner for the New Orleans Craft Mafia - May 11, 2008
57. go to 10 New Orleans restaurants I've never eaten at before [2/10] - Johnny's Po-Boys, Stanley
58. set up an organized system for blog advertising - 2008
59. buy a postage scale & set up an organized system for shipping
60. start a container vegetable garden
61. visit a nude beach
62. go on a swamp tour
63. “catch” a Zulu coconut
64. dance on a rooftop
65. start flossing every day
66. shop at the farmer's market at least 10 times [0/10]
67. transfer older pictures to Flickr - January 19, 2008
68. sew a stuffed animal and give it to a children’s charity
69. get my ears pierced again
70. make an instrument for the Noisician Coalition - October 2008
71. make a zebracorn costume for the Noisician Coalition - October 2008
72. go to Mimi’s on a Saturday night for their funk dance night - December 2008
73. learn to drive a stick shift
74. make my pin-up girl decoupage dresser
75. drink a mint julep
76. see Annie Lennox in concert
77. eat at Commander’s Palace
78. go one month without any non-essential purchases - March-April 2008
79. go without eating any chicken for 1 month
80. go without eating any beef for 1 month - May 2008
81. find 5 new vegetarian dishes I totally love
82. go through the house & donate or sell stuff we don’t need - May 2008
83. visit Ashe in Indiana
84. read all of the books I own
85. run in a marathon
86. go to a Caribbean island
87. give blood
88. secret goal - February 5, 2008
89. learn to drive a motorcycle
90. get a pedicure
91. have acupuncture done
92. get NOLA love t-shirts made
93. go camping
94. visit a plantation
95. go to JazzFest just to say I’ve done it
96. see a cheesy lounge-type singer in concert and throw a pair of (clean) panties at him
97. ride in a vintage Rolls-Royce
98. go to Hawaii
99. make paper
100. create a compost bin
101. keep a written journal regularly again
re-posting to
mission101 &
jan1_2008. Check these communities out if you're interested in making your own list or want to read about what others are doing.