(no subject)

Dec 16, 2004 18:24

yeah so yesterday defiantly ROCKED MY SOCKS!!!

and i'll tell you all about it after i give the results of my quiz thing...

i meant to do it last entry but i forgot (oops) anyways...

only 3 people took it which was kinda a bummer but whatever

1st place- Sheala with a 90%
2nd place- Isaiah with a 80%
3rd place- Elise with a 60%

thanx for actually participating, guys :-D

so yesterday on my way to lunch i ran into stephie like i always do and started talking to her about random and then she was like hey erin and i are going x-mas shopping after school today do you wanna come? and i'm like sure that's cool... so after school i call my mom to let her know i'm going and stephie and i wait for erin cuz she had to stay after for math. after erin we had to go to mine and erin's houses to get money and stuff for x-mas gifts then stephie was like let's go to wendy's and erin's like no we can't but as we're stopped at the light before hannaford erin says hey guys let's go to wendy's lol...so we're at wendy's and we had a good time signing x-mas songs that were playing and throwing straw wrappings at each other. we also went to headlines and was only there for like not even a minute cuz see stephie wanted to get her bf pat a pipe for x-mas but she's not 18 but erin is but erin's so sweet and innocent that she doesn't know how to shop for pipes or even knew what one looked like and the lady behind the counter knew that stephie and i were both underage so we left. then we rushed to the bank to cash erin's checks cuz erin though the bank closed at 5 but it really closed at 6. we had to drop stephie off at her church cuz she had to talk to some guy about life in general...so erin and i went to the mall and shopped for awhile and stephie met back up with us after she was done talking with the church guy and hanging out with her bf but we had soooooo much fun...this story probably isn't as interesting as a i made it sound but when you were actually there is has fucking hilarious cuz erin stephie and i are so crazy when we're together watch out anyone in the cast of othello cuz we're all gonna be backstage...well i dunno if erin is but whatever it's till gonna be nuts....anyways now i'm gonna list some funny memories from yesterday's adventure...

- muffin bitch
- "man stephie walks slow" (only to find out she's right in front of us)
- chinese hair ladies putting random clips in erin's hair
- erin and i trying to find a parking space for like 20 minutes (there was only one left and we got it BOO YA!)
- having to park at target to get to filene's
- getting lost on the way to headlines
- we enjoy it when our cell phones vibrate ;-)
- you have to be 18 or older to buy a pipe even though pot's illegal to EVERYONE!
- stephie unjamming a half a dollar that was stuck in the coke machine with a bobby pin so i could get a drink (YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND lol)
- "grandma what a big sac you have"
- *knocks on elevator door* "that would be funny if someone was in there." *door opens* someone's in there
- going up the escalator just to realize that the store we want to go in is downstairs so we have to go down the escalator again
- "erin did you drive on the highway with you headlights off?"
- erin making stephie late for her appointment with the church guy cuz she thought the bank closed at 5 but it closes at 6 WAY TO GO ERIN!
- Me: "you need a more corrupt friend than erin to buy you a pipe." Erin: "yeah you really do..." Stephie: "wait kelsey, how old's izzy?" Me: "17" Stephie: "damnit!"
- S: "did you guys go to hot topic?" E: "no people look at me funny if i go there cuz i'm such a GAP girl."
- stephie caressing erin's leg and not realizing it
- me hitting stephie right in the eye with a straw wrapper ( sorry steph i didn't mean to!)
- S: *points to picture of jesus* "JESUS!" M: "i was just gonna say that" S: "we both knew it needing to be said i just beat you to it"

and the list goes on...

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