aka... my feelings about this week's "The Good Wife", but with an incredibly silly LOLCav title to make myself smile temporarily.
This will be incredibly long, will probably be poorly written, and more than likely will make little sense. I apologise for that, but this show has done strange things to my brain. Plus, I'm really, really, really sick and I slept for 18 hours yesterday. YES. 18 hours. You read that right.
I was going to attempt these in episode order, but that would mean re-watching yet again, and I don't think I can put myself through that. 12 times is enough so far. (How on Earth have I found the time?) Some of these points will simply be copied and pasted from my tumblr ramblings, some will be original to livejournal, and some will be things I've been saying between sobs to my mother, who didn't care.
So, here's what's killing me. Any other time, she would’ve called Kalinda, or gone to get drunk with Kalinda, or just TOLD Kalinda, but she can’t. It’s like K is her one leaning post, and she just fell down. And this is what really worries me here. I’ve said before that I don’t think Peter has the power to shock or hurt her anymore, and Alan Cumming said that this is a big deal because she values her friendship with K, which is now being pulled out from under her. I think that loss, and the doubt of what this friendship meant for K in the first place, is what’s really going to hurt her. And I’m not entirely sure I can handle that. One of the main reasons I've always loved the friendship, and the interaction between these two was because Kalinda treated Alicia in a way that nobody else did. Yes, she asked her about the scandal, she'd bring it up every now and again, but she didn't treat Alicia like the wronged wife, and I truly think that's what Alicia needed. She helped her realise that she was her own person outside of the Peter drama, and in my opinion, it helped Alicia become a stronger person (and a better lawyer). I think that Alicia needs Kalinda, and whether she realises it or not, I think Kalinda needs Alicia just as much.
One part of the episode that truly made the beaty thing in my chest physically hurt was the K/A interaction at the office. More than anything, when Kalinda shouts Alicia back, the desperation to tell her bubbling and obvious. When Alicia turns around, she has this HUGE smile, that, despite being annoyed and being given this “leave”, she keeps just for Kalinda. She turns around, and BAM, annoyance is gone, BFF grin is back, and Kalinda just… freezes. She sees that smile and thinks “fuck, I can’t tell her”. And honestly, in that second, I completely understood everything from Kalinda's point of view. She knows that the friendship they have has been instrumental in keeping Alicia going. It's helped her sail along in her life, it's helped her stop from going over the edge, it's helped her stay one step away from her breaking point, and Kalinda sees this in that smile. That "I'm so annoyed right now, but you're my friend and I smile when I'm around you" smile, it stops Kalinda dead in her tracks. You see Kalinda process it, and instead of just taking the coward's way out, she tries to postpone it. Much like Alicia telling Will they needed a moment (2x09), it was a way of confirming to herself that she was going to tell Alicia once she'd built up her courage, and I genuinely do believe she would've. Let's face it, this is not the easiest subject to bring up with somebody you've built this trusting relationship with, and somebody you truly care about. I also think that Kalinda is painfully aware of the respect Alicia has for her, and I don't think she feels that from anybody else (maybe Cary, but I think she's still suspicious of his motives), and she doesn't want to lose that. She doesn't want to lose care and respect from one of the few people who's offered it to her without asking for anything in return.
"You should tell her how fantastic she is - people like to be told". Did anybody else think that scene made her entire interest in the Alicia/Will relationship clear? Her motivation for wanting A/W together is NOT to save herself (as one or two people have suggested, much to my annoyance), but is to see Alicia with somebody who respects her. Tell her how fantastic she is, make her feel special, make her feel loved, DON'T treat her like crap. I know that some of you are P/A shippers, and I'm always willing to respect other people's shipping choices (unless you're Kalinda/Cary because ew), but to me, Kalinda's entire interest in A/W is her way of saying "your husband is a cheating, lying douchebag" without actually saying that, and having to follow it with "I know this because he cheated with me, and we both lied about it". It's her way of trying to see Alicia in a happy, loving relationship, without having to sacrifice her own friendship with Alicia.
I should probably not talk about every individual scene, because this is already nearly 900 words. I just can't stop. I haven't even covered the non-OMFG scenes yet.
The K/C scene. Oh, this hurt me in so many ways. Did you all see her face? Her EMMY AWARD WINNING FACE. She knows she has to do it, and Cary is so... calm about the whole thing. I see where you're coming from Cary, laughter is the best medicine and all that jazz, but I don't think Kalinda appreciates your joking around on this one. “Share your troubles” does not mean “I will tell you what you already know and then ask for a favour”, it means “share your troubles, we're friends, you can lean on me”. But no. This is one of the main reasons I've nearly really liked Mr. Argos. He doesn't seem to realise that other people's lives are important too. Yes, Cary, you already know this, and it makes this situation so much easier for you to talk about. Alicia, however, doesn't know that her closest friend slept with her husband and lied about it, so let's take the situation a little bit seriously? Maybe as seriously as Kalinda's goddamn heartbroken face and those Emmy Award winning sad eyes?
And speaking of Emmy Awards, let's just give them all to Julianna Luisa Margulies this year. Because that last scene had me crying for 45 minutes afterwards. She's sitting, she's fine, and then she's not. Her face. Her face just... falls. And then she watches everybody celebrate her husband, act like he's this great man, and she just, she can't take it anymore. Alan Cumming said “It’s really heartbreaking, actually. Devastating. I was all teary... Alicia has been this steely woman, and then this thing happens…. You finally see her crack.” And this is exactly what I was expecting. This perfect and amazing, slow-but-realistic decline. She walks away, she keeps her grace and dignity and everything that makes her Alicia, but you see that inside, she's breaking, the walls are crumblng, and she just can't hold it in anymore. The tears start to fall, and you see her try and stop them, but she doesn't. She walks away. She walks away and falls to pieces and... I've nearly finished my fanfiction based on that moment, so you'll see more analysis from me soon on this.
Now for the other thoughts, the ones that don't revolve around this... this thing.
- Eli/Natalie. These guys are weirdly cute, I'm sort of devastated that she's leaving. I disliked her incredibly annoying boyfriend though, I can't be alone in this.
- Alicia's interview. Oh, Alicia. This is why you're my favourite, my role model, and everything I want to be and more.
- Drunk Jackie. Drunk Jackie. Drunk Jackie.
- I strongly, strongly dislike this investigator. Mostly because... who on Earth thinks it's acceptable to bother somebody like that?
- Will was kind of rude to Natalie, wasn't he?
- Do these people not have homes? I get concerned with how often I see them sitting in the office, drinking and watching TV.
- “do you really want to know?”. All of the Elicia scenes have been so amazing lately. I'm starting to think Eli will be Team!Alicia.
- IN MY OPINION. This judge always makes me smile. I needed her this week.
- Where is Courtney Love's Academy Award? Damn, show, you really went for it with the humour this week. I liked it.
- He likes your dress, Diane.
- This lady lawyer is annoying. Very annoying.
- I don't think I have any more, I'm just rambling now.