Weekend Recap:
Friday night we decided to stay in. Met da Finn (tm) at the open air market (go local whenever possible people) only to find that they were all closed up at 4pm? What on (insert your favorite deity here)'s green earth were they thinking? Working professionals like us can't just leave our office at 12pm on a Friday (oh how I wish) just to get to them before they close. It was kinda sad actually. We have been making a concerted effort to buy from local farmers at the farmer's market so that we 1) reduce our carbon foot print 2.) Support local growers and 3) get happy fresh food to cook at home rather than the crap with preservatives in it. We were mighty disappointed let me tell you. We walked to the large supermarket across the way and picked up some stuff for dinner. Luckily we were able to get most things from the organic isle and avoided the products that didn't say grown/produced in Finland. There were exceptions however, but for the most part we tried to keep it local. The problem is that the big supermarket chains have most likely paid a ridiculously low amount for the stuff they mark-up to sell to their consumers. Frustrating. We cooked at home and then da Finn(tm) and I went through my stand-up set. I did some tweeking - with some great suggestions by da Finn - and I think I have a pretty good flow at this point. Now the key is to memorize it and be able to spit it out without sounding like I memorized it.
We went to
Suomenlinna for a lovely birthday picnic with our friends Jaana and Päivi - it was Jaana's birthday. That place always makes me want to put on period costuming and start speaking in old Finnish. - Not that I have the ability to speak in Old Finnish...but I would give it my best shot whilst running around shouting about the Swedes or the Russians coming :) It was a great day. Sunny, not too windy, not too hot not too cold. If I had blonde hair it would have been like Goldie Locks...only different. We had champagne, fresh strawberries with home made whipped cream (da Finn really is talented), cheeses, prosciutto, pasta salad, dark bread, wine, more wine...and more wine. Lo and behold, when we stepped foot back on the ferry to head back to the mainland...I was a wee bit tipsy. I proceeded to then introduce myself to these lovely grad students from Oshkosh Wisconsin and we discussed - if my hazy memory serves - Scandinavian history and the history of Finland in regards to Russia... Brain ..over....load. Then in my infinite wisdom I bought them all a shot of the local specialty - yes the ferry has a fully functional bar - called
Salimiakkikossu . All in all I think that was a priceless contribution to their education. The girls and we headed back to our place where we listened to really loud music and little Fusche was asleep before 11pm... Ah how I long for the days when I could hang. Now bed before midnight is how I roll...Pathetic..
We went for a nice walk and had ice-cream!!! YAY!!! We then decided to be sloths on the sofa of life sucking ...and were asleep before midnight.
...except for Fusche who woke up every 2 frakin' hours. Random people in my dreams...like Hale showed up talking about fuzzy animals and then Trace showed up on a motorcycle in a period costume talking about Suze Orman and her relation to pirate hats... Talk about ODD!!!!!