Apr 29, 2009 12:15
Hey there,
I found this community through academics_anon and as I'm currently in my last month of my undergrad, drowning under dissertation and exam revision I wanted to get involved!
I'm at Sussex University in England, but I did a semester exchange at Waterloo University in Ontario - best 4 months of my life.
Still don't really get your crazy system though...not that ours makes much sense!
Right, back to the dissertation...and so this isn't completely pointless, does anyone else find that it's a huge hurdle to cross just to get started doing work even though you actually enjoy it and find it interesting? I really enjoy reading and writing this dissertation (it's on the connection between music and language) but I have such a block to get started in the morning, and I think I'm probably the most easily distracted person in the world... oh well it's nearly there!
Hope all y'all work is going well too :)