Good Morning. My name is uplinktruck and I've been bared from AOL.
At last night's game our area was protected by an officer from the Florida State Police. The wall paper D'Jour on the truck computer happened to be the
"I'm betting he'll swerve first" shot from Lagrange, KY. So, being the nice guy that I am, I promptly e-mailed it to him.
But guess what I found waiting in my mail box when I got home.Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 421-: (CON:B1) SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
Say What?!? AOL is not available?
So I clicked the link. What did my wondering eyes behold?
Error 421 CON:B1
- 421 CON:B1
The IP address you are sending from has been blocked due to unfavorable e-mail statistics. The error message generated is a 421, or a temporary refusal.
Number of Complaints:
When an AOL member clicks "this is spam" for a piece of email sent fromone of your IPs, this is considered a "complaint". If you are havingdifficulty with the number of complaints you are receiving, a feedbackloop would benefit you. Once you have requested a feedback loop youwill be notified when a member clicks "this is spam". See feedback loop for additional information.
Bounce Message:
America Online requires bounced messages be kept at a minimum. It is also required that a large part of these bounced messages be accepted by a party responsible for the sending MTA.
I wonder who clicked the spam button on an e-mail I sent? Or is this the beginning of AOL's suggestion they are going to start charging for inbound e-mail?
I tried to follow the instructions on the link to get back in AOL's good graces, but the webpage from their feed back loop has never responded to the e-mail address I set up for them.
So if you're on AOL and you suddenly stop getting e-mail from me, you know why. Life sucks.
Mrs. Whack, How many people people do you know on A-O-Hell?