Sadly true...

Dec 10, 2005 09:44

Tifton, GA - "All the Whos down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not."
--Dr. Seuss

This cartoon about sums up the most recent attack on Christmas. Politically correct thought police are on the prowl searching for even the slightest reference to Christianity and/or religion in government, the public schools and even retailers.

Retailer's (who have a great deal of their bread and butter riding on the Christmas buying season) are moving away from the reason Christian's celebrate Christmas. They fear offending some small group of people and the remote possibility of being sued for discrimination. And it's now bordering on ridiculous.

Banks, retailers and schools are bending over backwards to make displays in non-Christmas colors referring only to "Holidays." Up until a few days ago, Lowes was selling "Holiday trees." Walmart employees were forbidden to wish customers a "Merry Christmas." The American Civil Liberties Union is holding public school boards across the nation hostage to the threat of litigation should the word Christmas be so much as whispered within the confines of the building. And the list is endless.

Of course, keeping in the spirit of Christmas, the United Food & Commercial Workers union funded this commercial in what I see as a brilliant strategic move designed to piggyback on the retail giant's woes over their Christmas policies. (Looks like nothing is sacred to the modern version of union thugs.)

I've about had it with the politically correct police messing with my life, my thoughts and now my holidays. Those of you reading this know that I am not the least bit fond organized religion. But if we're going to take the Christmas and the magic that goes with it out of Christmas, then what's the point of having the holiday at all?

The cartoon originally found it's way on to the web via however their web site is down. So I snagged the picture from the e-mail and posted it here. A tip of the hat to Chris who sent this to me.

Hey Mrs. Whack, lets put up the Christmas tree.

civil rights, christmas, walmart, social behavior, religion, bad business, political correct thinking, education

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