Mar 16, 2010 13:32
Port Huron, MI - A jury is now seated. Out of the 34 that answered the jury summons, there are now 13 jurors seated, 12 jurors and one alternate. Three failed to answer that summons and will be answering to the court. The voir dire process took up the morning ending a little after 12:30. While it was tedious, it is also comforting to see that each side took that kind of care to seat a fair jury.
The repeating theme through the prosecution's jury questions centered around border and airport security. Each prospective member was asked whether or not they crossed the Blue Water Bridge and or dealt with airport security and how that juror felt about the experience.
The defense's repeating theme was asking anyone that crossed that bridge if they've ever been stopped by American officials on the American side of the line after they paid their toll. He asked most of the jurors one other thing that made sense to clarify their understanding of innocent until proven guilty. "With what you know about Mr. Watts right now would you vote not guilty?" All of them replied "yes."
Out of the original 13 drawn, six were bounced and replaced. One for cause and the rest on peremptory challenges form either the prosecution or defense.
Court begins again at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. No sign of Cory Doctorow. Pity that.
On another note, this trial will go for two days. I may not be able to stay for the entire thing. Any pinch hitters out there?
So far as I know there are very few things we have to do in exchange for the freedoms in this country. One of those things is jury duty.
- Judge James P. Adair
law enforcement,
follow up,
peter watts,
cory doctorow,