Feb 03, 2009 21:13
I had a pretty busy day today.. It went something like class --> class --> thesis advising --> work --> unexpected work --> class --> other stuff and I only got back like half an hour ago. It's weird to be .. a busy person .. or something along those lines. Work at the SA office is actually kind of interesting, since it's pretty varied, and the hours are short, and though I still don't know much about how the place is supposed to work I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
The thesis advising was also interesting.. Took the prospectus from last semester to a professor I trust, who told me that since she's an adjunct professor she can't actually be my thesis adviser, which sort of sucks. I'll live, but I was definitely not hoping to have to ask this other professor who I trust less to actually grade my paper. On the upside, the professor I like said she'd be happy to offer commentary and guide me on the sides (she made it sound pretty shady, hahaha). What today's advising led to was the realization that my thesis, in its current form, even with all the research I've done for it, is a little bit too large and ambitious to be really feasible for an undergraduate thesis.. I sort of promised too much. Oops. Hehehe. On the other hand, since it was sort of ambitious, I now have an opportunity to use my research to pare it down into a topic that I actually like; my guess is that I'll head for a case study of electoral systems in different countries as compared to Hong Kong, and identify what happens in a hybrid system like that when these different influences are taken into effect. It's a lot less shady than relying on a bunch of opinion polls in Cantonese whose veracity is questionable anyways. :P
The semester is also going fast.. sort of scarily fast, if you ask me. GUYS IN LIKE THREE MONTHS WE ARE GRADUATING AND THIS IS WEIRD TO ME. Not necessarily scary, but just really ... bizarre, because it seems to me that people will start going their seperate ways after that, and we might all not even end up on the same continent. Moreso than that is the feeling that I simply want to stay in school to keep learning stuff~ so far (this semester) I have regretted not taking linguistics courses, Chinese, public administration, business, French, Spanish, art, graphic design, and a crapton of other stuff. I keep wondering if I'll find the time or dedication to pursue this kind of stuff outside the school context, and that makes me a sad panda... or at least a pensive one.